AoA Mufti Sb My name is Atif Hameed Bhatti and live in Islamabad, Pakistan. I need a FATWA regarding TALAQ (Divorce) Since my marriage for almost 8 years time, my wife has always been fighting with me and does not listen to whatever I say to her. Now for almost 2 years , she is living in a separate rented house with my 2 kids. She is living there alone... More
I am a English revert and please help me. I married my husband and asked for a divorce a few months later because i did not feel Physically attracted to him. He gave me a divorce. We returned back together before my Idda finished and then later again divorced. About half hour later i went to the toilet and found i started my menses. We returned again.. More
salams plse advise i feel like im in abreaking point .. i really love my wife and we are happily married for 5 months my wife is 3 mnths pregnant she is 23 and im 30 years old ..the problem is my wife still keeps her old whattsapp number and chats to some men who she says are her cousins nephews or her former classmates. everytime i asked her to stop.. More
Assalamu alaikum I would also like to know when a young girl who is married reaches puberty will she first have the option of divorce before consummation, then if she agrees to the marriage the husband can consummate the marriage?
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My father & mother are married since last 20 years. But my father was having an affair with a hindu woman from few years, they were in a physical relationship,that hindu woman is also married & has a 16 yr old daughter. Father got caught in act by my mother recently. Now my father is saying he will marry that hindu woman & will leave us... More
Assalaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. What the children are allowed to do in the case of domestic violence? For example if the father would have a habit of beating his children (for no reason) so hard that sometimes he breaks their bones or makes them bleed? Are the children allowed to take the case to the authorities? Or move to live somewhere.. More
Aslamalekum, I love my sister's husband since so many years even before my sister got married to him. He also loves me. We want to marry according islam. My sister has two children with him. I would like to know is it possible to marry my love. He comes after Allah for me. I have accepted him as my husband with heart and soul. He has also accepted me.. More
Al salam alaikum, I live in the U.S. with my husband and two children. My husband makes very little money, with it he spends on our bills and nessecities. And the rest he sends to his family back in the middle east. We basically live from paycheck to paycheck. Alhamdulillah I am completely fine with this but he says we needs to save up to build for.. More
I have been married for around 10 years now. I gave my wife two divorce notices by my lawyer with a gap of one month in past. We had a riju then. We had two daughters out of this wedlock. After 7 years of my marriage my wife disobeyed me again due to which I got so angry that I lost control on myself, went into extreme anger, I broke almost all my bedroom,.. More
I need your help & guide.I'm 28 girl.I want to marry a boy. He like me & I like him.His family agree and only my mum is agree but my brothers and eldest brother wife is not agree for my marriage. My dad pass away 10 years ago. My eldest brother want me to marry with my bhabi brother, but I don't want marry him and also my mum told them 5 years.. More
Asalamualikum! my co-wife lives in USA with 4 kids. she visits guy clubs(have witnesses) drink and take drugs too. There are witnesses of her activities and they spoke to my husband and informed him about that. We living in Saudi Arabia she as also here but she decided to go back to USA bcz she didn't have the freedom here. Now she get handsome amount.. More
A Muslim man in a position of trust such as a teacher in an Islamic school (Madrassa) asks a woman who works or studies in the same institution to secretly, without the knowledge of her guardians or his own family, go to a hotel room in which two witnesses who are only known to him are waiting. He then proposes to marry her in front of the witnesses.. More
Message Body:: Assalamu alaikum, i have a child who is 9 months old, but he can't do anything like other children do at this age. his neck is not get strong yet. he cant eat properley, he has no response of his vision and hearing. he can't put up his neck and body..... he is totally is in a disorder...mentally, phisically and socially..... i am meeting.. More
Assalamualikum I have been married one year.My husband has not been able to financially provide for me. He also is not able to take care of himself and his health and look after me. He is happy with me but I was never finding sakinah in the marriage. I started researching on the internet and found that he has Attention defecit disorder. I asked a local.. More
salahu aleykum shiekh, i would like to ask some questions, me and my wife had an argument about my ex wife and things got heated she kept saying that i love her which is not true how can i love someone that i am not married to? sheikh this is what i said to her whilst arguing“ i am leaving you and going to my dads house and maybe other words that.. More