طلقني زوجي للمرة الثالثة. ومع ذلك ، لم يكن يريد ذلك ، ضغطت عليه ، لكنني لم أرغب أيضًا في الطلاق ، ولكن فقط لإجباره على تغيير سلوكه. ممكن نعود معا مرة اخرى ؟؟؟ النية مهمة والزوج لا يريد الطلاق
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I always suspected my husband.he always saying that he didn’t do adultery. So i told him to Take the oath like sura nur. He said 4times by Allah that he is truthful that he didn’t do adultery. Fifth time said if he lied then the wrath of Allah fall upon him. After that he said to me why only he took the oath i should also took the oath so i also.. More
If a woman accuses a person of zina, and instead of having four witnesses, she has video proof from a surveillance camera that recorded the incident, would four witness still be needed, or is this sufficient?
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Asalam u alaikum sir, my question is about foster relationship in Islam, there is women who claimed to be mother. She said that she has witnesses and evidences also. Which will prove our relationship. Know the confusion is I don't have any information about this relationship, nor proves or evidences. Niether my parents know about it. So what should.. More
My questions are related to pregnancy 1) Can wife rub husband penis to make him discharge if she is 4 week pregnant and doesn't want intercourse to avoid any complications later 2) During nine months of pregnancy during which time safe for baby if husband and wife have ntercourse? 3) Does touching husband penis on his desire allowed in islam ?
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If my wife asks me how much money I own does she have a right to know.If my wife asks me how much money I own does she have a right to know? Do I have to tell her? Is it permissible to not tell her how much money I have?
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I am new muslim and I'm confused about the concept of rewards and thereafter. From what I have been reading it seems that women get rewarded less than men even both have the same deeds. E.g. if a man and a woman each have 10000 deeds, each will get the same house, food, etc. but the man will get many wives, while the woman will only get 1 husband. So.. More
I am in a very unfortunate situation with my husband. We have been married for ten years.Yesterday in the evening we were having a fight and I was very emotional and asked him for Khula and I did not mean it. He didn’t answer till the very next day where he said that I am giving you a khula even though I did not ask for it on that day. Now he has.. More
Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. My question is about flipping through instagram. As with videos from the world they are bound to have music and women who are not covered etc. Some of the videos include nudity too. Is keeping the volume low and skipping fast if something haram comes up okay or it is haram to flip through instagram?
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SalaamOne of my friend's wife did a heinous sin of getting married to a non muslim man secretly using their traditional method without divorcing him in the first place. I am assuming that this marriage is not valid. My friend forgave her and kept her in marriage. However recently they had a fight and he said to her ''You got married to so and so"" or.. More
Please issue a fatwa on If a couple did zina together and they did not repent before their nikah they repented after their nikah which was done as per shariah,is this nikah valid or not? They have heard that this type of nikah is not valid as per surah noor please explain in detail with reference.
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Aslaam aleikum sheikh,I was having a conversation with my friends and we came across the question is having a girlfriend haram or not. I said it was haram and I gave some proof but they said it's ok and there's nothing wrong with it. Can you please inform me more on the matter and how I could refute them? Thank you.
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Assalamu Alaykum Sheikh, To receive unemployment benefit, the jobcentre made me agree on the uk government website to spend 35 hrs searching for work each week, I told them straight that I don't spend 35 hrs and the jobcentre agent said that the agreement is just a formality and to just apply for the jobs that they send me. However, I dont know if this.. More
Salam, I had nikkah for 5 months but rukhsati didnt take place. My wiife and i used to talk through on messages. we had good relations and argued once or twice on the choice of speciality after her MBBS and she didnt like the clothes given to her on nikkah. But we had resolved that among us. On day of eid, my parents went to her home to discuss the.. More