i am married and living with my mother in law since last 10 yrs ,thou he has an elder brother where they lived tog, after my marriage he and his mother came tog my concern is my husband been the lst son attachment and bonding is true but my husband get upset or even angry when ever i say anything regarding his mother and i try to talk to him for.. More
Assalamalaikum, Brother, my friend is working in abroad, he is away from his wife for 1 year. His wife made affair with one of his relative for few months, they came into illegal sex and now she got pregnant, she told her husband, she was asking for khula but afterward she repent and she told her husband that she closed that all things and don't.. More
1. Can a Nikah Khutbah be recited and lecture be delivered by Groom on the occassion of Nikah/Marriage in presence of family members and other people ? 2. Can a groom make ejaab and the bride make Qabool in presence of their walis?.. More
I married the man I love 3 years back. I did and sacrificed a lot for him. But he left me for an another married woman without fulfilling his responsibilities. Now I'm hurt and heart broken. He forced me to give him a divorce. I did what he said, but I never signed the paper. Now my parents want me to get married. But that is impossible for me... More
Problems in our marriage has led to my wife refusing to participate in our salaah/prayer so we pray separately, what is the significance of her actions?
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Assalamu Alaykum My husband and i started to get to know more about Islam probably around 10 months before we got married (although we are born Muslims but living in a westernized environment). We started to explore Islam slowly in further details as days go by. Syukur Alhamdullillah, Allah S.W.T opened up our eyes to the truth and we have been trying.. More
Dear Sirs, Husband make a holofnama (notice) by a lawyer on a 50 tk stamp. signed by husband and lawyer. also notary public by Govt. lawyer. He wrote their conjugal lifes problem and mention " Din't find no other way, so i reached on the notary public authority and I am declaring 1 talaq, 2 talaq, 3 talaq,and bain talaq in present of witness and.. More
Dear Sheek, My step sister used to live with us in UAE when she was 4 years old. She then left with her mother to England (where her mother's muslim family lives, and they never came back due to problems between the two families). My father never divorced her mother, as he expected them to come back and he was told it was only a visit to her.. More
Assalamualaykom... In my country it is a culture n norm for us to call our siblling not by their name. We normally address them them by brother (but in our language) ,if a brother is older than us n sister if the sister is older than us n by younger brother/younger sister if they are younger than us. This is more to show respect rather than call.. More
Assalamualaikum I am married. my husband is living with the family of his father’s elder brother. I was married to that house. They have no childrenI had twins and When I was 6 month pregnant both were dead in the womb itself. At that time I had severe pain and wife of my father in laws brother didn’t cared me. Also they didn’t take me.. More
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu I have a question/situation I need some help with. So in few weeks i will be taking a chemistry course in our local college which is at night and ends at night( 11pm) and it is too late to change classes, college is co-ed. So i know this one woman ( a bit older than me, i am around 18 and she is like.. More
Salaam, Please could you tell me if a husband says after a massive argument with his wife, its a divorce from my side, and its confirmed, but not to the wifes face but in front of her parents and her . And then doesnt speak to her for 5 months and then contacts and says to her i didnt know what i said i didnt mean it your still my wife. Does this.. More
I wanted to marry a girl but since she is studying their parents told they will allow her to marry only after 1.5 years (i.e after her degree finishes) but i cannot control my sexual desires,i also make saum on mondays and thursdays(whichever possible) but even then i cant control so i am maturbating many times a week and i want to put an end.. More
assalamo alikum, sheikh i submitted one question before that i read on a site that those who committed zina and got married before repentance should remarry, i also mentioned that i read the definition of zina major sin is that the head of the penis hould enter the vagina, in my case we never had a proper sexual intecourse before marriage in best.. More
Asselamu Aleikum sheik, am asking THIS question on behalf on my friend. Well, Two Muslim couples committed zina yesterday night. They knew that it was haraam and forgot to repent it and then they got married today morning in halal way. After 3 weeks, wife got pregnant. Right now, I have 3 more questions 1. Does the marriage is valid or not? 2. Is.. More