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5673 fatwas

  • Long separation of spouses does not entail divorce

    i dont have any relation of my second wife which is forced marriage by my parents mu parents pay her monthly.but from 2 years i m abroad and no phone talk and no parents bound me with her heavy huq mehr just that is the cause that is why i cannot divorce she threat on that i m quiet.but i heve my first wife with two how long the.. More

  • Her family and ex-husband pressure her to take Khul' from her husband

    As Salaam Alai Kum A girl was married at age of 17+ without her consent; during the relationship of marriage she had three children; the woman quite often brought to the attention of her family members the strains in the first marriage, however, they asked her to continue. They could not get along and finally divorced each other, mutual agreement... More

  • Government family help should be spent on family

    Assalam alikom, these are very common question in our city, an man married to a Muslim British women and they had a baby, they live in Europe he works but his salary is not enough, his wife is getting help from Government on that base, she claimed that she has the right to take over the money,and she does not need to spend on the family in the Islamic.. More

  • Health problem preventing marriage does not permit Zina

    I'm a 29-year-old male with a severe chronic psychological condition that prevents me from bonding with people. In 29 years I haven't even been able to make male friends, let alone getting married. Because of my inability to bond with others, I honestly don't think I'll ever get married, even though I have a strong desire to do so. This has negative.. More

  • Husband's insufficient earnings are not excuse for divorce

    salam,i would like to ask about my sister.i m elderbrother and my father was expired before 10 years,i treat my sister like my daughter and i fulfill all her demands since my her childhood,now in jan 2012 she was marries after three years of engegment,now after marriage we knew that they all not financial strong,and her husband not able to fulfill.. More

  • She suffers from multiple sclerosis and cannot wear Hijab or fast

    Al-salamu aleikum, I'm a girl ill, with the Multple sclerosis, and I have problems with wearing the hijab. My neurologist asked me to take off the hijab but she isn't muslim, in Morocco my aunt have a problems similar to me and her muslim doctor asked her to take off hijab because she have to stay relaxed and not to feel ill. Now I would like.. More

  • Supplicate Allaah to find a good wife

    Assalam-u-Alaikum, Hope you well. I just wanted to ask im looking to get married & im in my late 20's, few months ago i met this girl thru family & we talked for the last few months but not all the time, we did like each other & i agreed to marry her & but she woundnt make up her mind & told me she was confused & woundnt.. More

  • How to deal with a Muslim suspected of homosexuality

    Asalamu Alikum wa Ramatullah wa Barakatu, I am involved in the Muslim Student Association at my school. There is a rumor going around that the leader of it is gay. I personally have some suspicions that he might be homosexual and my friend told me that he was at a party and he saw the man having gay intercorse with another man. How should Muslims.. More

  • Illegitimate child is attributed to its mother

    assalamu alaykuma wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! may Allah bless and reward you, as i have a question that is quite difficult to answer! i know of a girl who is an illegitimate child. although her father is muslim, her mother is not. her mother also abandoned her after birth, and the maternal side of her family have cut off all ties, wanting nothing.. More

  • His wife enforced Khul' without his consent

    ASAK, My friend was very good person, Whenever his wife does any wrong also he use to advice her not to do like this (fear from ALLAH) but still she was doing wrongs things like that telling lies, backbiting etc., she used to obey her mother families only, but she didn’t care her husband & his family. After somedays she started fighting to go.. More

  • Removing Niqaab in a non-Muslim country

    Asalamu'calykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 3 weeks ago i made a promise to Allah that I would start with Niqab and I did the reason I made that promise was because I was felling that I was going to die and now i where Niqab Alhamdulillah but I don't fell ready yet and I live in a kafir country. so my question is can i stop wearing the Niqab and.. More

  • Ruling on wearing Hijab in spite of hating it

    I recently came to know a Hadeeth stating the ten nullifications of Islam. These nullifications include hating the Sharee‘ah of Allaah The Almighty even if one complies with it. I found that this one applies to me because I wore Hijaab ten months ago but I am not pleased with it. I hate it and force myself to obey the Commands of Allaah The Almighty... More

  • Ask Allaah to bless you with a good Muslim wife

    i was an ethist before and i commited zina. I repent now about my past and pray allah everyday to forgive me and that girl. I always thought i am going to marry her but due to family issues we are parted. Even now i want to marry her but she is not interested as i left her in the midway. She also repent for what she did with me. I am trying to convenve.. More

  • Renewing the marriage contract

    If for some reason a woman remarry her husband or repeat the nikah does this invalidate the marriage, it was extremely necessary for them to repeat the nikah .. More

  • 'Aqeeqah meat may be used for Waleemah

    can we use the meat of aqiqah in the waleema feast of child's uncle( chacha)? .. More