I was married for ten yrs with 2kids.my problem is my husband drinks alcohol every night.does not pray, comes home as late as one o'clock in the morning. He will ask me to submit to his sexual demands of which if I say no will cost me a curse and all the degrading words in the book but will apologize the next morning.this is every night and am.. More
my husband has been gambling for 20yrs,and also spying on me and accussing me,him and his family alwys get my mum involved,and she sides with them therfor the rift has widened between us ive recently separated,to think things through,during this time he has made no effort to support me end the children,now im thinking about divorce as i want to.. More
I have daughter from my previous marriage. Because of family problems, I lived with my mom and my daughter has been adopted by my mom. so my daughter lived with me and my mom. After six years of marriage, I got a porposal for marriage. We told them that I am married but seperated. My current husband emphasize for divorce as he consider its time.. More
I am a Christian and had a baby with my ex boyfriend who is a Muslim Lebanese. He wanted to abort the baby after finding out about it but I refused. He said that he doesnt want the baby and that he doesnt care about him and i should not contact him anymore. We were both in Abu Dhabi that time and I had to leave my work and everything I had.. More
Dear Brother, my wife she is Asian, she was Christian and I invite her for Islam and Alhamdulillah she convert to Islam, then I married her, now we are married for 8 years, she did not use to listen to me, always she is ignoring me, even in bed some times she use to refuse,, she like to keep the family all time in stress, and I have 2 kids from.. More
my husband has sexually assaulted our daughter of 14 years old. She says he came in her bedroom, lied down behind her, undress her undergarment and put his private part from behind to front. she is not sure if it was entered or not. he left it there a while and then went away. I have thrown him out the day if found out. He denies it but.. More
AssalamuAlaikum, May name is Abdul Majid. When I was making my passport I willingly used Abdul as my last/Family name since I did not have a family name. All my brother's names starts with Abdul. I wanted to carry family name to next generation and therefore I would like to know if I can use Abdul as last/family name for my self and my children?.. More
Assalamualaikum, I have recently given Talake Baine to my wife . She was barren so we were fostering a baby girl. She is now of 2 yrs. By the law we got legal guardianship of the baby jointly from court. It’s not an adoption. . I don't want to keep in touch in any means with my ex. So I don't want to take any responsibility of the baby as she.. More
Sheik, there is this lovers that had sex before marriage many atimes, so they decided it is time to get married, they went to see a local mullah and told him everything about themselves, and the mullah advise them that they should repent and ask Allah for forgiveness sincerely and they should never indulge in it again, and he told the woman that.. More
i get aroused around my period, and since i can't pray or fast during it i feel distanced from allah and weak. What do i do to decrease these urges and control myself? p.S. I am single... More
Asslamoalikum In Islam it is permissible to have up to four wives. My question is how can you have four wives and prevent sexually transmited diseases (STD)? I know Allah has more wisdom then anyone, so how does it work. Jazakullah
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Salam, My husband and i were seperated in the year 2001 and he left to Uk in 2004. I got the divorce through kahdhi court in 2004 while he was in Uk. Summons were sent to his home in sri lanka but they say they never got them. Later i told him about the divorce. We have only communicated through over the phone regarding our son. My question is am.. More
i have been married for 4 years and my husband is working in call center and he is always having night duty. He is having problem with sexual intercourse and he cannot produce children as he is suffering from severe oligospermia and premature ejaculation and he is not at all interested in me. And he does not want to do any treatments and he has.. More
I am in a situation to take a very quick decision about my job. Could you please reply asap to this Brother?? I am a professional degree holder and a HR professional who was getting 5 figure salary in UAE. Has around 7 yrs work experience. But after my divorce (2 yrs back), i quit my job and moved back to India. Though i am a God fearing girl right.. More