Wife left the home:My wife and I performed Nikkah few years ago. However, we never satisfied the civil requirements to have our marriage recognized by civil laws. While she was 7 months pregnant, our relationship shifted from a loving one to name calling when my parents were visiting the US. I understand the different generations; I told she didn’t.. More
My husband does not recite the Quran or its translation nor does he pray beside jummah prayers. Only the times I force if he’s at home he pray. He also smokes which I hate and he promised me before marriage that he stopped it long time. He also has the pre mature ejaculation problem and never has he satisfied me. He very rarely shows his love. He.. More
Asalamalaikum Rahmatullahi va barakatuhu let me tell in brief that my husband converted and to islam from chirtionity and married and we had a good relation till 2008 and then he met a punjabi hindu girl of 25 years now we are married for 15 years and now he is always in touch with her on phone and skype amd mow staying in srilanka and im in my.. More
My question is whether younger sister can marry first before elder sister marriage. Elder one is love affair with one muslim boy & both are stuying now. Can younger sister can do marriage first????. Pls advise. Vassalam Amirudeen.. More
Assalamu alaikum, my question is about Talaq (Divorce). If a woman became tahir (pure) from her menstruation, but did not make ghusl, can the husband divorce her? Or in other words: If a husband said the talaq before the woman made ghusl, is this talaq valid? Wa jazakumullahu khairan... More
dear Sirs In the name of Allah, the most merciful and compassionate, It is now one year since i got married to a girl of my family, we had a spanish marriage contract (from the civil court) and without doing any celebration of the marriage we lived together her in Spain. My family opposed our living together without having done any fest and without.. More
I have been married for past 6 years and we have no kids due to medical reasons. We are staying abroad in gulf from the time of marriage. Also, due to medical reasons the relationship is reduced. We have undergone lot of medical treatment for having kids but the result was negative. Prior to my marriage i was undergoing treatment with the doctor,.. More
Salaam I need some urgent advice with regards to a situation i am currently in, I am a muslim woman, My husband and I got married in 2007, in late 2007 he moved abroad to work i shortly followed after. I later found out that he had been having an affair with a woman and that this woman was now pregnant. In the country where we are both residing this.. More
Aaslaam Aalikum i m a divorcee after that i m in a relation last six years we bless with a child i totally devoted my life to him whole life he want stay like that without nikah but he use to say i m ready for mutah??i really loved him after allah he is everything to me know he dont to give his name to the child again i m helpless know there s no.. More
12 years before my husband sent me one divorce notice when i was pragnant after 4 months of marriage that was arrange marriage. he sent photocopies of that notice to my relatives also. after delivery i took khula on the basis of that one divorce notice . now i want to clear according to sunni fiqa hanfi in islam that is it divorce or khula and.. More
What if i had taken oath that I swear by Allah that I have given myself to a man to marry me and he also taken oath that he swears by Allah he will get married to me. Does it amount to any kind of obligatin on the man to marry me? I will be his second wife. He is promising me since last 8 years and finally he denied due to social constraint. Please.. More
After 3.5 years of marriage my wife went to her home India along with my son for a month,I called her several times but she didn’t come back.I wasted several tickets and VISAS,every time she refused telling like she is not feeling well; her mother is not well etc.Finally after 6 months I went to India with new VISAS and tickets and they came back.. More
Asalamualikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatu, My question is regarding my friend @ age 14 her brother who was 26 yrs old started acting wierd with her. He started to touch her in wrong places forcefully and kept on bothering her. she out of fear didnt tell anybody. He kept on telling her it was ok in Islam even though he was married with one baby. Now.. More
One of my friends husband swore that if my friend ever ate anything that is brought by him and is not a necessity of life, the relationship between them would be over. So if she happens to eat anthing that he brings, would the divorce happen between them? Also now the husband want to break that oath, what should he do?.. More
S/A...I have two questions which are very explicit I apologize but I feel they are important for me and other muslims will benefit inshaAllah Jazakum Allah khair. Firstly, is it ok for my husband to use condoms that have enhancments on it such as condoms that are ribbed, vibrating rims, and/or pleasure enhancing lubricants? My second Question is regarding.. More