Salaam I have recently found out that my brother in law is Gay and he has comfirmed this with my wife. Because my wife and myself both work we usually leave our 1 year son with my brother inlaw. But after finding out i am not wanting this to be. My wife loves her family and is blinded on the effect that this could be on our son (directly or indirectly).. More
hi asalaam alaykium i have a child who is almost 2 now. she was concieved out of wedlock, and about 2 months after finding out i was pregnant me and her father married, so she was born in wedlock. i am now married again to another man, we are both looking to leave the country dose my child have rights over her father, also does he have to provide.. More
I got married to my wife in Pakistan 18 years ago and brought her to England, we are having problems and aruging on a regular basis in front of my 4 children. She refuses to wash my clothes, cook and take care of the children, she is not being a good wife. She is my dads niece and I have talked to my dad about it but he just says work it out. She.. More
i got married before 2 months.the dowry between the 2 parties was decide to be a certain amount of the time of writing marriage contract the sheikh was informed by my uncle to write the amount which was decide as dowry.but the father of my husband told sheikh to write a different amount of dowry which was much less than what was decided .the.. More
I live in a non-Muslim country and have a three-year old boy. I want to send him to school, but the one that is next to us is inside a church. Is it permissible for me to send him there?.. More
hi im 24 years old im poor man my father death when i was very young I live and my mother with my bother my older brothers have a money but they didnt give any help to be like people plz what i should to do advice im very sad i hve not life .. More
salam brother. I gived my wife first time money for mahr the money she wanted and she was happy after when her mum came to visite us she was unhappy for the money and asked my wife to ask me for more moneymy wife she asked me to do a new mahr again to make her mum happy and I did the 2nd mahr was £6000. wish one is the correct?salam jzk ALLAH... More
salamaleikum shiekh.. i have one question thati insha allah need advice with... i have converted to islam 3 years ago and the last 1 year i feel very strong for to wear the parents have been threatning me to kill me and making other problems since i have become muslim. one year after converting i married my husband, who is good practising.... More
Assalamu alaikum. Playing & joking with the child about the age, the mother says to her child that his father (.ie.her husband) is like a brother in Age (8 years elder). This is said for a joke only. What is the interpretation? Has she done a mistake and repent or is it OK as it was doen merely by joke. I heard that saying wife as SISTER or husband.. More
My friend narrates “ My father (Aqib 72 years of age) got married to my mother (Robina 65 years of age) in 1964. My parents were living peacefully and in harmony TILL LAST ABOUT 5 TO 6 YEARS. My father has high blood pressure since 25 years and is on medication. My father used to have cool temperament in early days of life till appearance of this.. More
salam alaykum! I would like to have a fatwa issued on fornication. Its so that one my fiance, she text message witch conatin sexuall, to a person who she is not married to. Example of a such text is that I wish I could hold u ,kiss u etc so it goes on to sexual intercourse. I know this is haram I would like to have an answer wich conatin sign of.. More
As salamalaikum If a husband sends a legal notice /document mentioning three words of TALAQ, TALAQ, TALAQ, is it to be considered as single revocable or irrevocable divorce where does the marriage status stand does it need halala .The girl was not at the husbands residence at the time of sending htis notice she was at the fathers house what is.. More