Salam_O_Alaikum Brothers, In my region it is a general tradition that parents performing their children's Aqiqah at the time of any family member marriage function. Even my and my brothers Aqiqah was done by my parent at the time of my elder sister marriage. At that time my age was 16yrs. Now, through your website I come to know that it should be.. More
Assalamu alaikum brother, my officemate made me confused for giving name for the new born baby girl her name [Fatima Zarifah], my officemate told me that name is not acceptable then i asked him why, he told me ask for the schoolar (have knowledge in Islam)so please brother can ou give me idea/knowledge why not acceptable? Jazakallahu khair..... More
assalaam alaykum,i hav friend she wants khula from his husband becoz they hav some problems in there relationship nd husband is not caring, he listen his family,not takecare of her she also dont like his husband 4 years hav passed 4 his marriage she living his parents last 5 months she is having n affair vith a guy bt guy is not a reason for this situation.. More
Salam moe’alaikoem, My parents are old and need some help. Their health is very poor. They use a large amount of medicines and they can hardly walk. I asked my wife in a friendly manner to obey me en move to my parents house. I have my own house but my parents do need a lot of help and there is no one else who can take care of them. My parents house.. More
i been married 20yrs and from day one i noticed that my wife was not happy from this marriage. she was already twice divorced. all this time her behaviour has been uncooprative and once she also confessed and said " i have nothing to do with you and you have nothing to do with me. many time i noticed that she expressed dislikeness or or as she dont.. More
Assalam o Alikum Iam a 27 year old male. Almost 18 months back i got engaged to my cousin (after asking for her consent I asked my parents to take my proposal) who is the daughter of my mothers brother.At the time of the engagement I pushed my family for a nikah, but my mother persisted against it. presently I live in Saudi Arabia and my only contact.. More
Am working for a non-Islamic bank because we have no Islamic bank here & i don't have any other job now, my husband find it difficult to take care of our basic need and am please to assist him,please advice and also explain how to work in an environment wherein people don't care about the set limit of Allah regarding working.How to behave when.. More
Dr,. Brother, ASAL. One of my best friends wife borrows money from her monther/sisters and despite repeated reminders by her husband, she has not stopped borrowing money. My friend is paying her monthly a reasonable amount for her expenses and all the other necessary foods & other expenses are borne by friend. Now, my friend in a desperate.. More
Asalaam Wu Alaikum, I wanted to ask a question about what is allowed in Islam as it relates to female doctors and male patients. My husband recently went to a new practice to see a doctor. There was a male and female doctor present and we were there to see the male doctor. The female doctor took my husbands file even though it wasnt her file to take.. More
A very sad and strange thing has happened to me. I took a khul from my husband a few months ago. I took it due to many defects I found in my husband. My then ex husband began to daily pressure me to marry him again. I did not want to but found it hard to get him to leave me alone. It seems he wrote a letter to his friend pretending to be me asking.. More
hi ive been married for nearly 5yrs and now i feel completly misrable. Eversince my hubby has come to this country he has changed. We used to get into huge arguments that would lead to us being violant to eachother. I did love him but i slowly stopped beacuse of his behaviour and so i wouldnt hurt anymore mentally. His admiited his had 2 affairs.. More
I am a new Muslimah revert in South Pacific Ocean country. My family are not Muslim and do not have or practice any religion. I have been proposed to for marriage by a brother from Arabic country, who was introduced to me by a friend who was living there for some time. The brother and I are engaged now, and are in contact with each other by Skype.. More
Quran Says : ‘Let Those who Find NOT wherewithal For marriage Keep Themselves Chaste Until Allah Enriches Them out of His Bounty’. But It Doesn’t mentions Time period one Should wait. It Just Says ‘Until…’ But For how Long Should person wait! Surely, Quran Doesn’t Says To wait Till You Attain Age of 90 Years! & If Someone Asks Your.. More
May Allah bless u,i often take fatwa from this site and also read previous fatwas to increase my knowledge.thanks for guiding muslims to the right path.But two differebt fatwas on the same topic made me confused.I want to ask and be thankful if u give me answer, 1,In fatwa no. 83680 and 122443 u were asked the same question that is nikah of a man.. More
salam i'm havein a problem i am geting marryed to a guy he is muslima n i am muslim he hits me the frist time it was from me not prayin but the next and next time it was because he was mad or i did not say anything but the frist time it was not that hard but it got harder and harder and hareder i meet him online found out he lives 10 houses down but.. More