it's about adoption, after you give your child legally to some one, is it legaly possible to ask back the child after couple of years. now the child is so attached to the adopted parents and they are very caring. the biological mother now asking the baby back and left her husband and living with her parents and keeping her other two children with her... More
I am the wife of a person who calls people to Allaah, and who is always quite occupied and has no time for me. He talks to a lot of women who ask him for Fatwa and I do not know what to do. Please advise... More
I married a year and half ago. I never asked my husband about previous relations. However i had a feeling that he might have had a relation in the past due to his age and living abroad on his own. I wasn't able to talk about my doubts before our marriage. I married him, a pure wife who always feared Allah and protected myself alhamdoolillah. My husband.. More
I have a problem and want your advice. I am married to a Muslim man for 10 years now. I am much older than him and pass the age to have children. His family does not know of my existence. We live in the USA . Three years ago his family insisted that he get married in his home country which he did. They now have a child together whom I love and care.. More
Me and my wife had a little argument in Jan 2006 and she decided to stay at her sister's house with our daughter. 3months after staying there she decided to go to the court and file a seperation. Now it is almost 2years she is living seperately and my daughter is with me but I want to reconcile and have tried my level best to bring her back but unfortunately.. More
As-Salaam 'Alaykum, I have been married for five years to a man who is very active in the Tabligh Jama'ah. He is however not concerned about his obligations to the family, so long as he is able to go out with the Jama'ah. We are practically living off my mother - we live in her house, most of our household needs come from her stores and she paid the.. More
Salam Alaykom. IS it right for my husband not to let me get pregnant just because I am very skinny?? I weigh like 105 pounds and he says I can't get pregnant unless I gain like 20 pounds. It is a little hard for me to gain that much and I am saddened by him telling me I have to gain a certain weight. I also want to mention that sometimes my husband.. More
I am a young man studying at university. Is it permissible for me to practice Da'wah amongst my female colleagues since they respond to me? There are no female colleagues to assume this task... More
I am a Moroccan girl and I went to France to complete my study. After graduation I joined a French company, which sent me to Morocco in one of its projects. Now, the term of my contract with the Moroccan company expired and I have to return to my work in France, leaving my father and family in Morocco. I performed ‘Umrah (minor pilgrimage) after which.. More
Is a woman permitted to kill herself in order to protect her honor if she knows that she cannot escape a powerful gang who has gathered to rape her? .. More
I am a woman who is about to marry and I am religious, thanks to Allaah. Is it permissible for me to visit my husband's sisters after marriage, noting that they do not follow the way of Allaah and always mix with men? They even spend hours talking and joking with their husbands' male friends and relatives without wearing the Hijaab. .. More
What is the ruling on a Christian who makes public his embracing of Islam in order to marry a Muslim woman? What are the conditions that he must fulfill to be considered a real Muslim?.. More