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5673 fatwas

  • Having a second wife is the only option for him to have children

    Salamalaykum BYy the grace of Allah Iam married man for more than 7 years i love my wife too much and she too loves me we are very happy Alhumdulliah she is more religious than me and i respect her for that but unfortunately we dont have kids, and Doctors told me she is having some problem and she cant conceve a baby, we tried all options including.. More

  • Conditioning the divorce on something which has already occured

    my husband has utter the conditional divorce words as 'if since last month till the last breath of your life you visit your sister, then you are talak three'. actually I have visited my sister a week ago, but during that time I did not know this condition which he only mention after I have done the visit. My question here, am I already divorced? .. More

  • Conditions of suckling which prohibits marriage

    Sir i collected below given condition from this website i have shown my parents, My parents are asking me where this is exactly discussed is "Quran Pak", Sir my basic question is tell me where this is discussed in "Quran Pak" that i could be able to show them, tell me Surah Name, Ayat no. I will be thank full to you Here are some conditions: 1) According.. More

  • She is working to help her husband in seeking Islamic knowledge

    It is difficult for my husband to find a job,it is easy for me.Allaah has made it easy for me,i can pray at my work premises.I feel that i should be at home,but with no income it is difficult.My husband do not ask for fitra or any other assistence.Is it right for him to leave all his means to Allaah,and not asking fellow muslims for assistance with.. More

  • Her husband conditioned her divorce upon not travelling with him

    my husband said that i am three times TALAQ if i don`t go with him to another country. and i did not go with him. he went alone. am i divorced from him now? he has also said TALAQ to me two times before... More

  • Sehra Bandi marriage ceremony in Pakistan

    Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullahe Wabaraktuhu, I would like to ask a question related to Marriage custom in Pakistan region. This gathering happen before the leaving the groom house to the bride house for Nikah. And they called this gathering "Sehra Bandi" Detail information about Sehra Bandi is: The sehra is a veil of flowers that a groom wears on.. More

  • Inserting the finger in wife’s vagina during her menses

    Asalamalikum w w My questions are:- 01, Can we receite duas in sajood, apart prophte s w duas, in salat obligatore,and in other languages? 02, It is haram to have intercourse when women is in her perodical periods. But is it permisible to touche or insert the by hand the privte part of the women,or with any object like plastic ,etc. please answer the.. More

  • Having intercourse at the first night of marriage

    Is it compulsory to have sex at first night of marriage?.. More

  • A woman addressing a gathering of men and women

    Is it allowed for a brother to organise I talk and the speaker is a sister or allow the sister to present the speaker which could be a brother. the issue is on women in Islam but the sister is talking to every on (brothers and sister) including non-Muslims in term of her experience not giving fatwa?.. More

  • Abandoning Niqaab

    asalaamunalayikum wr wb my brother or sister in islam well my question was that. okay u know if i had my niqab on and then i took my niqab off like 5 or 6 times and i noe that the if u thought it was sunnah and u take it off was haramm and u geta sin and every single day of ur life!! so is this true and will allah forgive meh inshallah cause i am really.. More

  • The relation between the birth date and naming the newborn

    Assalamu alikum warahmatullah wa barakatuho, Recently I got a gift, baby girl she was born on friday at 4.45 pm on English 10/08/07 and Arabic 26 Miraj. My question is I don't no how to select her name. Is it exactly necessary to see the date and the timing of a newly born child, if yes please guide. THANKS.. More

  • Who should conduct the Waleemah?

    salam alaykum Brothers, who is supposed to give out walima - bride's or groom's family? In Sahih Bukhari we find ahadith which say that Prophet was giving out walimas when he was getting married. In many arabic countries, walima is supposed to be given out by the bride's family - is this accordingly to islam? Jazak Allahu khairan. .. More

  • Lying to his first wife about his second marriage

    Salam alaikum, can a husband, who marries a second wife in secret, lie to his first wife and say he has not married a second wife, when she asks him the direct question? I am a convert married for 20 yrs in Europe with 6 children. My husband and I built a flat and a granny flat on his fathers property in N. Afriica with joint money with the intention.. More

  • Attending a wedding of a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim

    Dear Brothers in Islam, Assalam-o-Alaikum My cousin married a Christian woman & he is not a practicing Muslim. His children are brought up by the wife as Christians. Now his daughter is going to marry a non-Muslim man. Please tell me if I can attend this wedding. I heard someone say that if a Muslim attends such wedding, he/she will.. More

  • Divorcing his wife twice after Khul’

    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, I hope Insha Allah, you will be able to advice in the right direction. Please look into the following case: One Mrs. XYZ sought Khul from her husband Mr. ABC after eight years of marital life. Mr. ABC approved the request for Khul of Mrs. XYZ and Khul took place. Before the Idda period was over, the woman XYZ realized.. More