Assalamou Alaykom I heared one day in the TV one Cheykh saying that the prophet (peace and blessing be upon him). said " in the 10th day your baby birth take a piece of date (tamra) and massage his gum with it. In cha allah when he grow up he will have straight teeth whith no dental congestion. I would like to know if there are ahadith concerning.. More
Insha Allah, I believe you can advice me. I am a Muslim religious working woman married for 8years but with no children and more over my husband is not at all bothered about me or our life. Only thing is he comes for money or gold. We lived together in my house (As he doesn’t have one) without any major issues for 2 to 3years only. After that when.. More
Assalamualiakum, i want to know the meaning of the name Zohaib. i want to keep the name of my son Mohammed Zohaib Bin Habeeb it is correct or not. guide me in the light of Quran and Hadiths... More
al salamoalaykom I am a muslim born in algeria and live in canada I maried a non muslim because she was pregnant with my daugter and now I have 2 kids with her one 9 years and 7 I am not with her any more cause I am practessing my religion wa alhamdo lilah, better than before and she doesnt like that I am in prosses to mary a muslim women wa al hamdo.. More
asalam alaykum, is it allowed in islam for the one wife to make dua to Allah swt to make her the only wife of her husband (who is having 2 wives in polygyny marriage). Especially, if her husband has deceived her before the marriage to think that he will divorce his first wife, and now she feels totally deceived and broken, and she finds it unbearable.. More
Salamualikum Wa RahmatullahI'm 20 yrs old girl completed my graduation Alhumdulillah & now I want to gain Islamic knowledge as much as possible but presently my family is not in a good position I mean Financial problem so they wants me to do job & I did also in between I left that job for the sake of Allah.My family members r forcing me to join.. More
I am a girl from the maghreb countries, i ve known a person from the middle east countries via net for nearly 2 years. He was planning to come & engage me in december, but when he talked to his parents. They did not accept because i am from al maghreb. His father thinks that i am not well brought even if he has never met me. the problem is even.. More
a. As you said Muslims ahould not attend the Naming Ceremony of a baby whose parents are not married, who then give the baby a Name and who will help the Mother to kill the Ram[AQEEQAH]. b. I need evidence from the Quran and Sunnah, whether it is permisible for Muslims to use Musical Instruments, they claimed to promote Islam with Music even they use.. More
sala alikoum brother. i would like to know if it is possible to ask for a picture of a woman that i am in prosses to know her for marriage to ask her for her picture without scarf to see her face complete with her hair. knowing my intention is purely for marriage and i have got already a picture of her with hijab, waslam alikoum wa rahmatou bellah.. More
I have read a fatwa 99471 and am fairly shocked. In that fatwa you have stated it is not obligatory for husband to pay for wife’s treatment if she is sick. It is obligatory for woman to stay at home, take care of the house and not go out without his permission. She is not likely to have any source of income so if she fell sick whose responsibility.. More
Assalam alaykum,i want to ask what should i do. i am married to a man who lied to me mayn things before the marriage and deceived me about himself and after the marriage he is completely different to me.I found out he had zina relationship during our marriage. he confessed too.he doesnt give me my rights as a wife-comes home only to eat and sleep.other.. More
I want to marry one girl, who is merrid and merriage was not physically happen,her husband did't accepted her from day first. she is in usa and want to get divorse/khula from her husband, do she need to go through the Idat or not, second question is that can she get the divorse from a us court. Thanks. .. More
Salam. I am sorry for this question but I just want to know if it is ok. Is it permissable for the wife to cut or poke a hole through the condom for the wife to become pregnant since her husband does not want the wife to be pregnant now?? Is this allowable in islam; I don't think so. Is this considered disrespecting the husband since he will not know.. More