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5673 fatwas

  • Common Names for Males and Females

    My name Is Shahanaz Akter,saimoon is a boy name.I am a girl.Is it permissible to keep a boy name for a girljQuery1110023540983116975034_1576651252914??and what is the meaning of that(saimoon) name?? ? .. More

  • Saying ‘I Divorce You’ Three Different Times

    Salam Dear Brothers. I have a problem with understanding one thing. If I divorce my wife saying in one sentence: "i divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you". Does that count as one divorce or is it three divorces and then she will be haram for me and will have to remarry before I can take her back? .. More

  • Temporary Birth Control Can Be Permissible

    Assalamualikum, is it sinful if one does not have children because of very small income? What I want to say is that his salary can only support one child, so if he doesn't have another child because he would not be able to support the another child then is this person sinful? Please clarify this with as many evidences from Quran and Sunnah. .. More

  • Headmaster Obliging Female Students To Wear Niqab

    Should the head of a school oblige the female students to wear niqab (whilst they are within the school's premises)? Or should it be kept optional? .. More

  • Put A Knife To Husband’s Throat and Asked For Divorce

    Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh A few years ago my husband and I had a huge fights I had committed zina which lead to physical abuse which he slapped me and I held a knife to his throat and I asked him for a divorce which he said 3 times I give you ur divorce I give you ur divorce I give you your divorce then after he told my daughter.. More

  • An illegitimate child Is Not Traced To The Adulterer

    I had committed zina when I was young with a Christian woman and had a son. Now he is 10years old. We were not married but I support financially and have communications with my son. My immediate family knows but my relatives dont. What I can do as a muslim to my son? Im not given any decision about my son’s life. His mother is already pregnant again.. More

  • Your Husband Must Provide You With a Separate Accommodation

    Assalamualaikum, I am married to my husband for 6 years. We have one child. My husband is overall a good Muslim, prays, stays away from major sins, works hard to provide basic necessities. However he forces me to live with his mother and father. Over time I have come to feel very depressed due to this. His parents can be very critical of me and do not.. More

  • Conditional Divorce

    The husband says if wife talks to a specific person she is not his wife, but it was out of anger, now he wants take that back, and wife to talk to that persons, so in this case what can be done? .. More

  • Marriage Without Her Wali

    Assalamuwalaikum.. I have a question regarding marriage without wali.. Actually i just wanna to understand the matter clearly..please read the full question if you have enough time..i am trying to give the the source as far as i know if there is any fault please surpass this.I know about the hadith la nikah illah bi wali and the hadith narrated by aisha.. More

  • Husband Deserts Her Father And Claims Illegitimacy of His Daughter

    Assalamuaikum! I apologize for my long question but I hope the details can explain the current situation a little more. My husband and I have been married for the past 3 and half years Alhamdulillah. We are blessed with a beautiful daughter Alhamdulillah. In shaa Allah we are expecting our second child soon. Since the past years, my husband has been.. More

  • Sodomy Is Prohibited in All Cases

    My question is about homosexuality and why is it haram. I grew up in the masjid, I never expected/wanted/asked for this. I’m fact I prayed to be normal, but here I am, a male attracted to males. What about all these guys who grow up in Saudi, how do they know anything about being gay, as strict as Saudi Arabia is about that. The Quran talks about.. More

  • Her Brother In-Law Seduces Her

    My husband is not hear from long time his younger brother is not nice he want to get close to me and says he love me i cannot tell it to my husband cause he is away and nobody will support me what to do plz help me .. More

  • Repented From Homosexual Inclinations But Looks at Women

    Asalam alykum. I used to have issues with my sexuality which led me to repent and to start going down the right path. However to become attracted to women again I feel like I need to condition my body too, not just my mind. Is it okay if I look at nude women in hopes of becoming with the fitrah again? Thank you. .. More

  • Can a Non-Praying Person Be a Guardian in Marriage

    Assalamo alaikum, If a wali of a woman does not pray can he still become wali? The woman is getting married to his uncle's son. Please do not send me link i need your fatwa. Jazakallahu khairan .. More

  • Renouncing Child's Custody After Divorce

    My new husband asked me if i had any affairs before marriage infront of kabah.I denied(lied since i repented from my past relations). Later he digged and found old chats in my phone. i had to confess all about my past to him. But he lost trust and always suspects that i am still in touch with men. I recently came to my hometown for the delivery of.. More