I have been married for quite along time now. I converted a couple of months before. From the beginning of the marriage, we have had problems. My husband has threatened me with divorce and second wife for years if I don't do as he says. I used to get upset but now I don't care. He has said and done many things to get me to conform to what.. More
I have loved my cousin, and he loved me too, and we had a little relationship going on, and when he asked to marry me from my dad. My dad didn't accept, and I couldn't do nothing about it, and now he's married to my friend, and I still keep thinking about him, and I want forget about him, sometimes I say everything is predestination, but I don't know.. More
I got married since almost one year of an American lady and before we got married she told me I'll be a Muslim like you and I'll stop smoking. So I liked that so much and I said that would work good for me and my wife she will be a Muslim and we will get the reward of Allaah of that and she will stop smoking (she doesn't drink) and I was so happy... More
What if a woman understands polygamy but can't stomach it happening to her can she then ask for a divorce if it leaves her emotionally distraught to the point that she can't continue loving the man?
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I am married to a Muslim man and am looking into Islam. I want children one day, yet my husband says that people want children for selfish reasons only. He says he will consider having children if I can come up we an unselfish reasons to have children. Please help me. I know children are a gift from Allaah and I would love our children for.. More
I plan to go a distance that is considered traveling. I want to go half the distance by myself, (which is not considered traveling) meet my Mahram there and have him accompany me the rest of the way. Is this permissible? .. More
I have recently met a girl who inspires me enormously in my religion. Thanks to her I read more about my Deen and I pay a lot more attention in performing my prayers correctly. I have always looked for someone with a very strong Eemaan and I finally found her. In order to stay within the boundaries of Islam I have proposed to her. As she is a bit.. More
I’m a 19 year-old girl. I have been with my boyfriend for about a year and recently, something terrible happened. We have been having very close physical contact, and he went too far. He has been fingering me and it broke my virginity. After this incident, my view about him completely changed. I hate him now. I couldn’t value the relationship.. More
I currently have a question on file as 268929 not answered yet, in addition to that one I want to add if the children were born out of wedlock can they still be considered Muslims if I am raising them Muslim ages 8, 4, 6 months and if I remarry and their biological father does not practice Islam and myself and new husband are practicing what.. More
If a Muslim man married a Muslim woman without giving Mahar and taking dowry from her? Will their marriage be considered valid? Will their intercourse be considered Halaal? Please explain. .. More
I wrote to you before seeking Fatwa: 89520. I did everything I can in my power and ability to bring her back to the right path. I could not. Legal battle through out the court system in this country (N. America) is taking all. What I have now and in the future? I need to be able to one rescue my kids and second if I can bring her back to Allaah... More
If a man cannot satisfy his wife properly because of sickness or weakness in his penis, is it allowed for the pair to use artificial means/products to satisfy her? .. More
I have a friend who is 19 years-old. She has this problem. I shall explain in detail. She is very religious. She prays all her prayers. She even fasts on Mondays and Thursdays, Maasha' Allaah. But there is this problem with her. Every night she goes to sleep she thinks of her future husband. Mind you she is not yet married and Inshaa Allaah,.. More