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5673 fatwas

  • DNA testing to prove paternity of children

    DNA-testing the Norwegian government sometimes ask immigrants in Norway to do a DNA-test in relation to applications of family reunifications and requests for asylum to find out if people really are related. What should a Muslim do if they ask you to make a test to see for instance to check if you are the father to your children. .. More

  • Is named 'Talha', ties his hair with a rubber band and watches pornography

    I have long hairs. Therefore I tie my hairs with a rubber band and offer my prayer. Is it right or not? What is the meaning of my name 'Talha'? I watch dirty pictures and websites. I have tried very hard to stop these things but unable to do so. How can I stop doing these things? Is listening to music or singing is prohibited in Islam or not? Please.. More

  • He wants to reconcile with his wife but she and her family refuse

    We have been married for 10 years with 4 beautiful young children. My wife loves to argue for even a little thing. Which I do not like. Recently we had an argument and out or frustration I hit her couple of times on her arm. After that, without my permission she took our 4 children and staying with my in-laws. She filed a law suite against me.. More

  • Her husband does not like the size of her Hijab

    I am wearing Hijaab, and my Hijaab covers the head and body, and is in one piece. But I have a problem, my husband does not like the form of Hijaab I am wearing, he thinks it is locking to big, and that it is to long. What should I do? Should I wear a short scarf and a Jilbaab, so that he would like it? I hope Inshaa Allaah, that you can answer my.. More

  • Strong in sex desire but weak on telling his parents he wants to marry

    I am 24 years of age and economically strong Al-hamdu lillaah. I feel very strong sexual desire but I am unable to tell it to my parents because of shyness. What does Islamic Fiqh suggest in this matter? One thing is for sure, whatever happens, it has to be according to wish of my parents who are not showing interest in my marriage for the time.. More

  • Returning an adopted child to an orphanage

    A couple who adopted a boy in Malaysia have simply returned him to an orphanage because they say they have not 'bonded' with him. The boy is just under 4 years old. He is legally adopted and has papers as an Irish Citizen as a result of his adoptive father's nationality. He is legally the son of this man. What is the view on returning this boy to.. More

  • Having multiple wives living in the same house

    a person having two wives, and again married the third wife and put them in the house, having separate rooms, but the third wife always not feeling comfortable living with them due to their approaches and sometime saying to her some unfavorable words, she reported such cases to her husband and the husband intended to discuss with them on the issue.. More

  • Problems with his fiancée'

    I recently got engaged and Al-hamdulillaah, I am very happy that I will be fulfilling my religious duties. My question is: my fiancée lives overseas and I live in a western country. We always seem to be disagreeing and arguing over useless things. Also another my fiancée actually sold her Mahar I gave her gold and she sold it and gave it to.. More

  • Very friendly with his female teacher

    I'm 18-years old. There is a non-Muslim teacher, who is very intimate with me. She is about 35-years old. We always discuss our personal matters. She always encourage me to study well, not as a teacher but as friend, as a mother. We are very close friends. But even I never touch her. I always under Islamic restrictions. In this situation what.. More

  • She divorced her husband in US court

    My question a woman has divorced her husband in American court, and her husband too has singed the divorce papers. Is it valid divorce can she marriy to another person? Or she has to divorce according to Islamic Law to get married to anther person? Please reply as soon as possible. .. More

  • Naming girls

    I am a 30 years unmarried guy, Allaahu A'lam when I will get married, but when I get married and have baby girls, I want to name then Safaa and Marwah, so that I remember Allaah even when I am calling kids. Safaa and Marwah being names of mountains, is it permissible to name these?.. More

  • Requirements for a valid Muslim marriage

    I would like to ask if a marriage between a man and a woman will be valid even without any witness from the man's side (his family doesn't know) but the girl's parents gave their consent for her to marry him. Is it only the girl who should get the consent of her family to marry or the boy also have to get the consent of his parents? What if the.. More

  • Wants to marry but had no family to help her

    I would like to marry soon but I haven't any family to assist in such a matter. How am I supposed to go about such an ordeal? .. More

  • Her husband seems addicted to pornography and chatting with girls

    I am a married Arabian woman for 2 years now and have a daughter. Anyway I think you heard about this problem before but for me I consider it a very serious problem I tried to deal with it in many different ways but in vain I feel terribly and I am starting to think of divorce. I discovered that my husband whom I married through relatives (didn't.. More

  • Claims her husband is abusive and negligent

    I and my cousin wanted to get married with each other. We tried our best to make our parents understand our love but his parents didn't want this to happen then my parents arranged my marriage. I started my married life with pure intentions towards my husband. But unluckily, my husband didn't care about me. As we got settled in America, I tried.. More