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5673 fatwas

  • Wants to marry live-in partner but her family object

    I am not a very religious person but I want to be, however, I am finding it hard to. I have a partner although I am not married. I want to marry him quick so I can stop committing sins. My brothers know about my partner as they found out but they have not told my parents, they told me themselves that there is no chance their going to let me.. More

  • Family wants to cover daughter's loose behavior by marrying her off, but her mother objects

    My question is about a marriage that is causing a big problem in a family. A guy has proposed to the father for his daughter's hand in which the father accepted since both the girl and boy are going steady already even against the girl's parents' wish. This is to avoid any more gossip in the community and also they cannot do anything about it.. More

  • Giving divorce in language other than Arabic

    I found out that according to Maliki Madhab, one of the condition of divorce to be valid is the pronunciation of the words in Arabic. Link for subject matter is I asked my 2 Usthadh here in Jeddah (I'm a Muslim revert since 1997), but they said that they never come across such rule. In their view,.. More

  • Questioning the degree of sinfulness for not wearing Hijab

    I was wondering that if I don't put on a veil, scarf, is it counted as one sin altogether or is it that each time a man sees me without Hijaab a sin? I'm trying and hopefully I want to wear it soon, but I'm always afraid that I would end up taking it off again and it would be considered even more Haraam for me that way, and I even think.. More

  • Married for four years to abusive, neglecting husband

    I got married like almost 4 years ago. After our marriage, we both moved to USA. When I got married, I had the intentions that I'll be with my husband through thick and thin. But I found at the fourth day of our marriage, that he has no control on his anger as he slapped me on my face so hard only because my nail hit his nose accidentally... More

  • Naming a girl Parizaat

    Naming a girl with Parizaat is correct? I think Parizaat name in Persian language means woman who belongs to Pari or Hoor of Jannah very beautiful women. Dose Islam allows us to call her with this name? .. More

  • Little or no sexual satisfaction in their marriage

    I have been married for over twenty years, but during all this time, my wife has never been interested in sex. We would have relations only after her feeling guilty about it. I do not wish to look at other women, and do not have relations for years at home, what is a man supposed to do. We love each other and divorce, other marriages, etc. are.. More

  • Her friend is married to a suckling sibling for 2 years

    I run an Islamic group for women and from time to time sisters ask questions which I believe are for the scholars to answer I advice the sisters about this and they give me permission to send there questions please could you answer this question for this sister. Question: from sister: My friend is in a situation where she has been married.. More

  • She broke off engagement because he had broken a prior engagement before

    I met a Muslim girl through my family for marriage purpose, we decided to continue the relation for few months to better know each other. After few months passed, I decided to let her know that I had previously got engaged but did not work-out. The girl freaked out at me accusing me that I hide it from her and I should have told her from beginning... More

  • Marriage and divorce via the Internet

    What is the Islamic rule regarding Nikaah and divorce through Internet provided the bride and groom were staying two countries. If a marriage through Internet is valid or not? The presence of bride and groom is essential (face to face) for Nikaah? .. More

  • A questionable marriage in USA

    Greetings, I recently reverted to Islam and am now living in a Muslim country. I have met a Muslim man that wishes to marry me. The problem is I was married previously while living in the US. The man I was married to abandoned me after 6 years of marriage. It has been 2 years since I had contact with him but due to financial problems I was only.. More

  • Troubled relationship with a man

    I love a man. This man told me he will come to see my family in the June or July, then I pray and told my God if this man is good making this relation to be continued and if it is not cut this relation. I want to go away from this man but I return back what can I do? .. More

  • Had a previous scam marriage

    I am getting married soon, Inshaa' Allaah, to a pious and chaste sister in my home country, which is Muslim. I happen to have lived in one of the western countries and back then I was not a good Muslim. I have done many sins and Al-Hamdulillaah I have repented from all of them and I regret having committed them. May Allah forgive me. One of.. More

  • Named his daughter 'Na'ilah'

    I have my first daughter who is 7 months old. I kept her name Nailah as per my intuition or my liking towards that name inspite of opposition from my parents and my Wife. Initially my daughter brought me very good luck and fortune, Al-hamdulillaah. But of late things are not working with us properly. Sometimes when I think that I should change his.. More

  • Her husband refuses to provide her with her own accommodation

    I am married and living with in-laws. I know it is my right to have a house of own. I've told my husband that I want to a house of our own but he has refused. In the house there are two young men in the house and I feel very uncomfortable because I am a practicing sister. What should I do? May Allaah reward you. .. More