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5673 fatwas

  • Drinking wife's milk during sex

    During intimacy if a husband drinks his wife's milk, is it necessary for him to rinse his mouth immediately or it can be done after completing sex?.. More

  • Marrying a girl one had sex with

    I heard that according to the Imam Malik School when you sleep with a girl (A-Zina), it is forbidden to marry her because it's forbidden to (Haram). Is it forbidden to marry a girl you had sex with? .. More

  • Wants to approach someone to marry

    How can I approach someone who I want to marry? .. More

  • Removing Hijab before a step-father

    Is it allowed for a woman to remove her Hijab in front of her stepfather? Also what is the opinion for someone who claims he is a Muslim, but does not pray? Please answer from the Qur'an or a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)... More

  • Duty to Allah and Her Husband during Ramadan

    Can a woman satisfy both Allah and her husband, especially in the month of Ramadan? Would her Du'a or prayers not be accepted if she neglects her duties towards her husband (e.g. sexual intercourse) for being fully submissive to Allah? .. More

  • Iddah of wife divorced in December 03

    I am a married man. I travel to USA for work purposes. I left my wife in my original country since February 2003. On December 2003 some problem happened between me and my wife and I called her on the phone from USA and I told her you are divorced. Does my wife have any "Iddah" to wait for because I was far away from her since February 03? What.. More

  • Aging, Unwed Female Worried about Her Future

    What is the place of a female in Islam who is unmarried, aged 45, with no one to support her financially, and is very disturbed about her old age? There is total darkness about her future. Guide according to Islam. .. More

  • Marriage ceremony of Muslim to Christian woman

    What is the Islamic view on having a joint inter-faith marriage ceremony? The bride-to-be is a Christian woman who believes in Allah (one and only God) and who has no objections to raising the children as Muslims. However, she feels obliged to having a priest present when conducting the marriage ceremony. Also, can you give us the ABC's of things.. More

  • Marrying a non-religious girl

    I'm a student seeking to get settled in France because it is so different from my "birth country" and differences with my family. I have a girlfriend I'm thinking of marrying who doesn't know anything about religion. What do you advise?.. More

  • Women working at night

    What is the Islamic ruling on women working at night? Is there a separate ruling if the woman is married or single?.. More

  • Schools that do not teach religion

    I have a question about Muslim schools in a community. In the community where I live there is a mosque/school. But the teachers aren't very educated on what Islam is about. I went last year in the summer to get help in reading the Holy Qur'an. They didn't know how to teach me. So should I still go to that school even though they don't know how to teach.. More

  • A valid Nikah

    1. Is it permissible to do Nikah when the bride and bridegroom do not know each other? 2. Does the girl's consent in absence validate the Nikah conducted by the parents of two sides with the presence of the boy? .. More

  • Trying to make peace between brothers

    There are some family problems between my husband and his brother. This family is a very lovely and religious family, but things happened to be hard and made these two brothers get in a big fight. My concern is that always solved small problems between them but this last one two months ago was the biggest. My brother in-law cursed, threatened, and tried.. More

  • Wife has mixed feelings about husband who neglects practice of Islam

    I've been married for almost 2 years and I have a 5 month-old baby. I just found out that my husband had been cheating on me (adultery) since 2 months after the marriage when I was studying abroad and away from him for a few months. When I discovered it, he said he had made Tawbah and that it was his biggest error in life. However, since I've been living.. More

  • Choosing the Careers of Children

    In Islam should parents choose their children's careers? Or should the children choose for themselves? .. More