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5673 fatwas

  • What to do if one sees a father unprotective of his child

    This thought keeps bothering me, so maybe you can give me some clarity. As I was going to a store, I saw a man begging on the side of the street. I got a clearer view of him and noticed that he had a baby in a stroller a few feet away from where he was collecting money from cars. The thought of the baby being in the heat and him not even being close.. More

  • Marriage without the bride's wali is defective

    Assalaamu alaykum. I got married to my muslim husband eleven years ago and was Christian at the time. There were two witnesses and the imam who conducted the marriage. I did not have any wali (legal guardian) present because my family opposed the marriage, and they still do so now. I gave my consent to the marriage, but my husband and I were not aware.. More

  • The ruling on whether poor parents are obliged to marry off their daughters

    Is it obligatory for parents to get their daughters married, even if they cannot afford it? Are they responsible for unmarried daughters if their right age of marriage has passed and the parents feel shy to ask any one's help in this regard; to find a partner for their daughters. Is it wrong as Allaah tells us in the Quran to always seek His help and.. More

  • She wants to be with her pregnant aunt at the time of delivery

    Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to ask about the fact that my aunt is pregnant and wants me to come in with her when she will be in labour as she prefers me to go in with her so that her husband can look after the other children. My other aunt told me that I should not go as I am not married and this will affect me in later life when I want to settle down... More

  • Jilbaab is not obligatory if the woman's clothes meet the conditions of the hijab

    This question is based on various fatwas that I have read on this website, so I request you to personally answer me in detail and clarify. The subject of my query is the hijab, and specifically the outergarment for women. In fatwa #296476, you clearly outline the conditions of a Muslim woman's hijab and define the 'jilbab' as an outergarment, meanwhile.. More

  • An adult daughter may stay with her divorced mother who remarried

    Two divorced parents have a 15-year-old daughter. When the mother got remarried, the father asked the daughter to move to live with him and said that he would give her sufficient time to spend with her mother provided that she stays with him overnight. However, the daughter refused that because her mom convinced her that the Shaafi'i scholars say that.. More

  • Choosing not to talk to non-mahram men

    Is it ok to not talk to non-mahram (permanently unmarriageable) men even if Islam said that we can in some cases? .. More

  • Time allocated to co-wife is waived if she is not available because of work

    I am a co-wife; is it permissible for my husband to spend the first day of my time with his first wife till after 'Asr because I am at work? When it is her first day, then he leaves my place before 10AM. I told him that due to me working, he spends more time with first wife, and he is clearly going against what Allaah, The Exalted, ordered (to be just)... More

  • A father who does not provide for his children because they receive government aid

    My father never provided for his wife and children, we always lived off the government benefits, is this halal? He always gave his income to his parents and siblings even though they were never in need of it. Some scholars say that as long as we receive assistance from the government there is no sin on him, please clarify. I have another question: my.. More

  • A husband threw the Quran to the floor in a tantrum

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh Brother. My sister got married on August 2, 2014. Many things changed at her house, including the manner of dealing with in-laws and the abusive personality of her husband. She was also going through after-effects of depression due to an accident on September 5, 2014 and partly because of her husband... More

  • His new wife dislikes that his daughter visits them

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am newly married to a wonderful wife, she is from a different culture, and she is also from another country. I was married before and have a daughter from my past marriage, and I was honest about that from the first day. My daughter live with her mother but visits me on a weekly basis. My daughter is seven years old now. My current.. More

  • Her husband does not live with her without a valid reason

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is about a husband being away from his wife without valid reasons. My husband allowed me to move from his state to be with my son in another state. I assumed that he would be joining us shortly after since he does not have a job currently (or family) in his state; he is just working odd jobs. Alhamdulillah, Allaah has.. More

  • How casting lots was done at the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam

    Assalaamu alaykum. Many hadiths mention the practice of casting lots during the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. For example, when deciding which of the wives would accompany the Prophet on a journey, they would cast lots. Do we know how the casting of lots was done? Were the names pulled from a bowl, for example? May Allaah reward.. More

  • Naming babies after angels, and the name Jannah for girls

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have questions about baby-names: 1. Is it halal to name a baby after an angel, like calling the baby Michael or Gabriel? I have heard and read different opinions, but none of them with sources from Quran or Hadith that forbid doing that. 2. Is the name 'Jannah' halal for girls? I have heard that the real Jannah (Paradise) is male,.. More

  • Letting a woman one was going to marry choose a wife for him

    Assalaamu alaikum. Please, there is a woman that I wanted to marry, but since the mum disagreed we could not do so. The lady is trying to find another lady for me whom she said she trusts most in terms of character, beauty, her level of the deen, and so on. As I am speaking, I am also outside the country. So my question is, though I trust that lady.. More