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5673 fatwas

  • Concealing pregnancy from family and friends

    As Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Me and my husband are planning more children inshAllah, but because of the reaction we got with our first baby (negative reaction), we have planned not to tell about our second baby first before the baby is already born. So I was wondering, is it halal for us to hold it as a secret from our family and friends.. More

  • Her husband spends more on relatives than wife and daughter

    Assalam o alaikumI am 31 year old married Muslimah with one daughter. I was married about four years ago. My nikkah took place in 2011 and I did not want to marry my husband because I did not like him physically. I did not even like his family. He is the head of the household since his father abandoned his mother and his brothers and sisters many years.. More

  • Relation between daughter and father's illegitimate children

    Alsalamalekum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,I am a converted muslim of 20 years alhamdullillah. My father had illegimate children outside the marriage. He is non-muslim but some of these illegimate children visits him and are part of the family, but for me as muslim, should I accept this and how can I explain this to my kids that will be visiting my parents.. More

  • Wife seeks compensation for money she provided for family

    I am 43 year old lady tutor by profession. My marriage is 22 years old have two children elder son is 20 years and second son is 12 years old. My husband is earning well and and now wants to divorce me by sharia law. he is staying with another woman without marriage. My meher amount was very nominal just Rs 500. I am now demanding him the money that.. More

  • Naming a boy Haqq ('Truth')

    Assalammualaikum. My wife just gave birth to a baby boy. I wanted to name him 'Haq'. Is it permissible not to include 'Abd'? .. More

  • Speaking softly to a newborn child

    As-salaamu 3laikum. When we talk to our baby, like many people we use a special kind of soft, lighthearted voice which often makes other adults laugh. Sometimes we want to mention matters connected to religion with the baby to get him used to the mention of Allah or sometimes just because our religion affects everything that we talk about. Is it a problem.. More

  • Her husband fornicates, lies and denies her right to childbirth

    Assalamu Alaikum , I'm the second wife of my husband.His first wife left him and went to her parents house with 3 kids .His parents sent proposal to my parents through a marriage bureau. Just after 2nd day of my marriage I have seen so many miss calls on his mobile, after 20 days I received her call at 2 am when my husband was sleeping..she said I'm.. More

  • Working for a website that displays images of women without Hijab

    Assalamu alaykum. Is it permissible to work in a website as writer and in this website you are gonna find people who need writers but in this website they are displaying woman in their website with no headscarf so is that permissible? and also is it permissible to learn courses where woman is display on website? and is it permissible to have a female.. More

  • He wants to marry but his parents refuse until he finds work

    Assalam o alaikumi do not talk to my parents because they are refusing to marry me because they say i am un-employed and they say first get a job but my need for marriage is very great and i am keeping continual fasts but i do not think i can regularly keep them as i become weak?Note that the can easily support me in marriage until i get a job but are.. More

  • Wife's guardian is not entitled to issue her divorce

    As salaam Alkauim. My husband went away to prison and I asked for a divorce after for 7 years. In our 5 year of marriage I wanted out. My husband refused to give me a divorce. So I divorce him through the law of the land because we got married about ways. I then went to the Iman in my community and he refused to divorce me and suggested that I wait.. More

  • His daughter insists on marrying an ill-mannered man

    As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah. My husband's daughter (my step daughter) wants to marry a man who has anger issues and who is ill mannered. My husband is concerned that he will not make a suitable husband for this reason. Also, his daughter is a virgin, and was raised as a muslim and this young man is not a virgin and has only been a Muslim ( and.. More

  • If he is good Muslim, marry him even if you disagree on having pets

    Assalam alaykum dear scholars,I am about to get married to a good muslim brother in two months to come In'sha'Allah. I am a person who loves animals alot and I have several cats at home but when I mentioned to my fiance about my love for animals he told me he doesn't like animals especially the cats. I was so disappointed to hear this and I couldn't.. More

  • Her husband brings home a non-Muslim man to drink alcohol with

    As Salaamu AlaykumA sister just told me that her husband drink alcohol 3 times a week, get home at 3 am and sometimes bring a non Muslim man with him to drink at home. She looks herself and two small children in her room because sometimes her husband fall sleep and the his non Muslim friend stays wake walking around their home.She has tried many times.. More

  • Considering remarrying ex-husband with drug habit for sake of children

    I have been married for 5 years with 2 little girls. My ex-husband divorced me a year and a half ago and since then he has been trying to get married again. We divorced because of his drug use( marijuana) and because I have been the sole provider financially since we got married. Also he kept his drug habit hidden from me until we were already married... More

  • Her husband said to her "I don't want a wife like you"

    Assalamu alaikum, Sheikh Some women told me that once her husband said to her I do not want like you, then again I don't want like you, so she asked a very great and knowledgeable alim that her husband said to her I don't want like you, but she kept quite then alim said to her if your husband said I do not want like you and then if you had said him.. More