Salam, I really need your help and feel embarrassed to ask but do not know what to do. I've asked two men in the past, who are ruqaah and they both took advantage of my situation and wanted to do haram with me.Therefore, I ask you kindly to help clarify this issue for me and ask that you forgive me for any vulgarity in sharing the issue. I have been.. More
Salam alaykom Am really shamed to say my question . I get engaged to very fragil girl and since the engagement her sister start looking at me after few weeks i become a weak and we kissed each other with hugs ... I really regret what i did . Now i want to marry my fiancee i dont know if it haram in chariha after what i done and what i should do ? Jazakom.. More
assalamu alikum i have a question regarding conditional divorce.are these narrations authentic regarding conditional divorce? a man said"""The reports received from the companions of the Prophet (ṣallallāḥu `alayhi wa-sallam) and those who followed them. Al-Bukhārī reported that a man divorced his wife if she left the house.Ibn.. More
Assalamu alaykum, I have a question regarding conditional divorce. I was married to so someone many years back and we had many problems. One day he made a condition of divorce by saying: ' if you leave the house today without my permission, you are divorced'. After that day I later asked him if this condition still applies, he said yes. Many weeks later.. More
Asalamoalikum. If husband says to wife "I dont want to take care of you, if you may wish, then you may consider divorce from my side" Is that considered a divorce? Husband and wife do Ruju and live together.
Next year, due to misunderstandings, she goes to her maternal home, hoping husband will start missing her and value her presence and call her.. More
Is a woman allowed to point her finger towards a ghair mehram (steward) just to calm her small kid down or sooth him who is crying. Please note that this act happens when the steward is approaching towards them, meaning he can also notice this act when it happens. Her husband is also sitting besides her and they are travelling in an aircraft. Or you.. More
AssalamualaikumRespected shaykhIm 15 years old and currently studying in tenth standard. Near my class in grade one there is a girl who plays with me and as I do not have a sister I love her a lot and play with her too. And I swear I do not get any satanic thoughts about her or about girls.My question is can I continue the same in future to. I do not.. More
Non-Muslim nikah at the Masjid.Can Imam Perform a nikah between Non-Muslims without them accepting Islam. What is the ruling of such Nikah, knowingly after such nikah they will proceed in their kufr.Question two.What is the ruling of two muslims marries in the church, proclaiming in the name of jesus. after doing is lamic nikah at the masjid. is their.. More
Assalam-0-Alaikum , Jazak Allah kheir for you reply regarding question No. 2548998. I just want some clear answer. Please note,(1) My ex wife did not married with second husband with the intention that her husband is a Muhallil . It was a genuine marriage.(2) As second husband was in Saudia and she was in Kenya , both of them did not touch / slept ,.. More
I have a query regarding bullying.My son is 4 yr old and quite shy and emotional. He has friends who at times bully either pushing or hiting him or calling him a bad boy and since he is really reserved kind he doesn't fight back instead he just become quiet or cries his heart out. Now my question is what should I tell him to do..should I tell.. More
Please help. I suffer from whispers.If my husband jokes with me that if it is so hot here then go to your parents house i start having whispers that did he or did he not mean divorce. He knows i suffer from doubts and whispers so I always ask him you did not mean "That" right?. I use the word "That" instead of the word divorce and my husband knows that... More
I said several times to my wife people are free in North America to take divorce if you want is up to you I am not giving you the divorce, but last time I just say if you want to take divorce upto you (my intention was to say I am not giving you- but couldn') but couldn't able to say that I am not giving divorce to her and wife say okay lets go to lawyer.. More
Asallam U Alaikum, please tell me if this was a sinful statement. The wife had to pick their 16 year old daughter up from work everyday if she has to work longer hours to work that week. The husband said this will be a 'problem' or 'museebah' for you to go everday to pick her up to pray ,so it is better she works less hours. The husband wasn't calling.. More
Salaam I was engaged secrectly for 4 years then my fiance left uk to see his mother in pakistan ,he insisted forus to do a Nikah my parents and family was against it at the time so he arranged some of his friends in the uk to act as his walo and my wali and the witness ,we had the nikah with his wali present he did not pay me meher once nikah done we.. More
Request you to advise us on the sequence cocerning aqiqah.
Should the hair of the new born child be shaved first and then slaughter the goat or first the goat has to be slaughtered and then the the head of the new born shaved after the slaughter.
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