The major problem in marrying a muslim women to a non muslim man is a)a non muslim will rule muslim women by his earnings & authority. b)the children will follow father's religion. If these TWO were solved {the women & children will always survive on muslim women's income & the children should be grown up as muslims} then a muslim women.. More
The Prophet (saw) encouraged us in an authentic hadeeth to have many children so he can be proud of our numbers. How then can we respond to a writer who supports birth control by using Imam Shafi's tafsir of ayah 3 in surah nisa where the Imam says "so you do not become overburdened with financial dependents''. That writer uses Imam Shafi's translation.. More
I have asked a question twice and I have been redirected to some fatwas. I have read all these fatwas but the question which I am asking is not one of these. After reading the fatwas I have found that If somebody intended to emphasize on the first utterance in this case divorce is counted as one. Similarly if he hasn't intended any number it counts.. More
Assalamualaikum Unfortunately this cannot be my last question about this topic as your recent answers have created more complexities. Based on the answers you gave me in this link, it is not clear and consistent if one should go through an iddah lasting 3 menstrual cycle if they wish to remarry the same person.. More
My husband and i are married for 20 yrs and have 3 kids...we had a very depressing conflicting life .he neglected me alot and because of this i went to have male friends through net about 3 yrs back just for friend ship but eneded up having illicit relationship. About 6 months baxk i came to know my husband having an affair with a married woman and.. More
AoA, Shaykh please guide meI am so in pain and please answer me as soon as possible, because it would be my 3rd talaq if this counts. Allah rewards you the best. In an argument he said in his mouth a complete sentence in urdu language ,main tumein ta la .q. di, I divorce you but when he said word talaq he made tiny pauses like ta la. q. After 3 days.. More
Dear Scholar, I need your judgement in the light of Islamic Shareeah over the act of zoophillia also know as zoo-sexuality or such acts whether it is done with animal or dead animal or dead human body the punishment for this act is not available by Muslim scholars. Kindly brief the Islamic point of view over all these type of acts e.g homosexuality,.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I married a Muslim guy whom I knew he was a smoker. He promised me to never smoke in the house and to clean his mouth after smoking and showed me a great will to quit this vile habit. After marriage, he kept smoking inside the house and car, rarely cleaned himself or mouth of the dreadful smell (his mouth smells like a dead rat in.. More
When i was with my husband in abroad, my m-in-law lied with my husband about me. So, unnecessary he quarreled with me. So i came back to india alone. We dint speak with each other for six months. After six months when i asked about money he said that he left the job 6months before. When i saw his bank transactions since six months all the money went.. More
Alsalam Alaikum Someone told me the girls name Rabab is haram because it means lordship. And they used ayah 39 from surat Yusuf as proof when he said a'arbab. And this person also said the name mana' is haram because Allah uses this word in the quran in a negative way, surat Al-Qalam ayah 12, "mana' lil khayr". Are these names wrong and what should.. More
I have a question in many of your answer you say words of divorce requires intention but what if someones has intention but says words that are not in anyway considered direct or metaphors like a word that rhymes with divorce like takor (which means to be soothed in punjabi and has nothing to do with divorce in itself) and as the person says it he realizes.. More
Asalamualikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakatu! I am so confused about my situation. I am a mother of 4 young kids (one is new born).My husband has 3 wives and he spend unjustly on his wives . He spend alot on his 3rd wife who don't have no child and he always lives at her home. His 1st lives in USA with 4 kids. (Currently we are in saudi arabia ). He gives.. More
My husband stops me from seeing or speaking to our daughter because she married a man from another tribe. In fact he initially refused that family's proposal and after many months of fights and arguments,their daughter was married off by sheikh in another city. However after 6 months of being married he agreed to repeat their mehar within the mosque.. More
Divorce after Invalid nikah or nikah without wali. There are two type of fatwas I have seen on your website. One says there is no divorce as there is no nikah from the beginning. The other one states divorce occurs in a marriage where is a difference between ulema on its validity. Which one of them should be adopted?
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