can i add my engaged fiancee as my facebook friend so that i can see what kind of post she uploading which will help me to understand her interests, her behaviour etc.
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Dear Sheikh me and my husband are having a lot of problem regarding equality between 2 wives he recently took second wife, we are living in separated house but on weekend we meet in his quest house to spend the weekend or holidays, and when we are together if she request for something like fruit or icy cream money he will buy it for only her without.. More
Assalamualaikum WR WB Me and my wife are blessed with a baby boy. Alhamdulillah. Can we name the son as Mohammed Yusuf? Some of my relatives are arguing that you cannot name two prophets (A'laihissalam) names to one person. Please clarify if this is true and why so? Also, I want to add my father's name to my sons name as our family name. My father's.. More
Al Salam Alikom ... I'm a young girl who is wearing hijab for more than 10 years now since this time and my hair is falling that I become bold in some areas of my head, recently I started a therapy for my hair which is an injection in the head and this injection makes my head hurts a lot as it has some painful side effect, I can't put hijab for days.. More
Salam aleykom wa rahmatulah wa barakatuh.I reverted to Islam in January 27th 2007. I had engagement party January 29th 2008.I was told by my husband and his family that I become wife after it was announced in front of people. Marriage was consummated January 29th 2008. Marriage contract was signed February 11th 2008 in front of Judge and two witnesses.. More
My husband committed adultery, once I found out I encouraged him to repent and correct his ways. But for over a year he still continued to lie and continue a relationship with her, even going as far as to pay her bills, move her into a larger home and provide generously for her and her child. This caused a lot of turmoil in our marriage, and he said.. More
al slamo alykom my name is ehab ahmed muslim live in Australia devorce with Australian woman I have 2 kides rhiana 16 years and yusef 10 years .after I get devorc my ex-wifeand re-marid and ching hear last name and she puch me to ching my kides last name because they get tees by ather kids in nthe school and they frind because my daughter name rhian.. More
A boy called me frequently and almost forced me to love him though i rejected it several time. later i accepted it with the concern of my parents. i spoke to him for one week. after that he came to see me with chocolate.. later he told me that he is fighting with his parents asking them to accept me. so i told him not to force them and asked him to.. More
Salaam. My husband has a very close female family friend. She lives nearby and always has his attention. He speaks and sees her everyday. He lies to me and never tells me if he sees her. She is the 1st contact on his phone. She keeps all his important documents and letters in her house. She is married with 2 children. I do not know what to do. He doesn't.. More
Assalamu alaykum, please those the tribe of a girl considered when chosen a spouse. Because i have a girl i want to marry, she is very religious but my parents says her tribes normally brings poverty when married so am not allowed to marry her please advise.
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Assalamualaikum.My female friend is a divorcee and she has a male friend who is interested to marry her but because she suffered a lot in her first marriage,she wants to tell him that after marriage they can remain as friends until she starts loving him then they can live as husband and wife.If he agrees, is this islamically acceptable?if ever she cannot.. More