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5673 fatwas

  • False acknowledgement of divorce does not result in divorce

    sir some one questioned me (in Urdu) that have u done third divorced of your wife I asked him (g?) its a Urdu word and here are two meanings of this word one meaning is yes if I told and second meaning is what if I ask. So I want to ask you that is the divorce has done or not. .. More

  • The wife is obliged to live with husband wherever he resides

    Asalam Aliqum, My question is that my husband who is living overseas has asked me to move with him repeatedly. I have tried moving everytime but have been unable to do so due to the fact that he comes across as very unclear and shady in anything I ask him. This has been going on for quite sometime and this time the same thing happned. He came back and.. More

  • There is no evidence that a woman has to cover her head when cooking

    assalam o alykum i have read somewhere that nabi saw went to some ones home and he did not meal their because the women of that house made meal without covering there head. so wanna ask this that is it sahih or daif. jezakkillah .. More

  • Babies born before six months into pregnancy may survive through medical intervention

    As-salaamu 3laikum, In one fatwa you mentioned that the minimum period of pregnancy is six months. Here in a magazine about pregnancy they said that some babies have been born at 23 weeks old and survived. Does this mean that they miscalculated the length of the pregnancy when they estimated it in the first place and it was in reality more than 23 weeks,.. More

  • A widow may remain unmarried if she does not fear temptation

    Assalamualikum, I lost my husband 34 days back due to heart attack, i am praying for him ....i am praying that i should not get any feeling of sex and should be safe till i die ..but suddenly since two days i am feeling that i am getting a exotic dream ...i want to meet my husband in sha allah in jannat and dont want to get married here age is.. More

  • Being patient with disrespectful, misbehaving step-children

    Salam I am married to a guy ten years older than Who is previously divorced with two children we also have two children together, his previous children used to come every second weekend which was fine by me, all of a sudden on my husbands days off they come and we never have time as our family because his children are always there the main issue is.. More

  • Modest dress without covering the hair is not Hijab

    Aoa, I was wondering that if a women does not take hijab but dresses very modestly and keeps her hair tied up and is very religious in other aspects,does that make her of those in the hadees mentioned of sinning openly,a mujahirin? .. More

  • How to Advise a Sinning Father and an Unemployed Brother

    Assalamu alaikum! I am really in a grave situation and i really need a help.Not even a day i live in peace just because of my dad and my brother and his dad is 67 years old. He borrows money from people for interest and this has become his habit.we all advise him but he doesnt like it.sometimes i cannot control myself and behave in a harsh way... More

  • Problems caused by husband providing for his mother and married sisters

    Assalam Alykum, My question is regarding my stand in the family as per Islam. I am a married female with 1 year old son. We live in joint family which comprises of my parents in law, two sisters in laws (one is married but her husband stays outside & one sister in law and her husband) Alhamdulillah, my in-laws are nice with me but recently my dad.. More

  • Her husband insists that she tells him of her sins

    I was in an abusive marriage for 11 years. I divorced, but still had ties to my ex because of no social support. Soon after the divorce I met a man who wanted to marry me. I told him about my situation, and even though it was hard for him he tried to support me while I cut ties with my ex fully. He lived in another country. We married after making istikhara... More

  • Husband says he did not intend conditional divorce

    3 years ago in an argument my brother said leave the room I said no I want to sit but he said leave then my husband said if she leaves she is divorced then again my brother said leave or I would slap you. I got nervousand left with out keeping in my mind what my husband said (I did not know a lot about this divorce but at that time I was not a concern.. More

  • Reciting Quran to infants

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I would like to know if babies and young children can appreciate the recitation of the Qur'an when they listen to it and know that it is special and important even though they can't understand the words. Also there are people who say that their young children relax and are calmer when they listen to the recitation of the Qur'an,.. More

  • Wife is entitled to dispose of her Mahr however she wishes

    Assalamu Aleikum wa rahama tullahi wa barakathuhu, A questionon Mahr. If the husband agrees gold at the nikah and gives the equivalent amount in money to buy gold, if the bride prefers to use the money for her personal matters and not to buy gold WITH the consent of the husband, is it permissible in Islam. Jazak Allahu Khairen Salaams .. More

  • A female obstetrician is given precedence to a male obstetrician

    a male gynacologist told me that i can a normal delivary..but most of the female docters says that cesarian is preferable...the problum is that a non mahram man is the male doctor..what can i do? .. More

  • It is not strictness to separate from a spouse who commits kufr

    A salam u alikum i have read your fatwa about to take divorce from a spouse who is bralvi or sufi or shia ist it too strict i know many couples they remain married of different faith even muslim christian etc isnt its too cruel for a woman to take divorce if husband is sufi or bralvi now a day thanks .. More