I arrived in Canada in March'13 staying with my wife and 1 year old daughter. My father stayed in Saudia for 11 years, returned back India in 2000. Ever since he came back declared himself as penny less saying that all the savings has been spent on both son's education. I stayed in Dubai for 6 years and handed over all my earnings to my father yet he.. More
Asslamu Alaykum. I'm an Asexual female and have asked a question here before that relates to it and I found your answer very helpful so Jazakallah for your answer, but I still have many questions that I want to know since I can't find many fatwas about asexuality. But the most one that I want to know is, if a man asks to marry me is it obligatory upon.. More
Could you please explain if one is regarded a muslim in the following situation? The case is: a male child born before the marriage of a muslim mother and a christian father; the mother became christian after marriage to the father. Is this child christian or muslim? Does it matter if the father (or mother) was a pious observing christian or not? And.. More
Asalam alaikum, Pleasr let me know if it is acceptable to name a baby girl Dua'a. I have been told it is not by a relative, however i can not see where this name would not be acceptable. Please clarify. Jzk
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assalam o alaiqum sheikh. I know a learned sister who has studied the shafa'ie mazhab. We were discussing islamic polygyny and she said that the scholars of the past have said that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th wives are accumulation of dunyah (unless the man has a purely religious reason for more mariages) while the first wife is for a man's akhirah. She did.. More
If a person owes a loan, but at present he cannot pay it off, and he intends to pay it off as soon as he gets a job. Should this person get married and discuss this in the meeting? Or leave marriage till depts are paid of?
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if my husband ask me to pawn my jewelleries which I got from my parents and then he sell it without my knowledge what should I do and is it right?
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Two people commit zina, it results in pregnancy, they get married after the 4th month of the pregnancy before making tawbah to hide the sin, they live normal etc and then get divorced 3 times, the girl then tells the guy that their nikkah was invalid because they got married during her iddah (during the pregnancy) so based on this they want to marry,.. More
i have been married for almost 2 years. my dad agreed to marriage to a man who had many ambitions and prospects, and after checking with husband that i could continue working in the family business.However, since marriage he has forced me to stop working and also he has given up all work himself. i am provided for by my father as husband refuses to.. More
Dear Sheikh, I hope this message reaches you in good health and Imaan. Six years ago I have received a call from one of hospitals in Somalia, saying that a pregnant mother has been admitted into the hospital.She wants to kill her baby because the child was out of Islamic marriage. Soon I Have received that message I have decided to take care of that.. More
Dear Sirs, Assalamu Alaikum! My name is MD Shahidur Rahman. My daughters name are accordingly - Roja Binte Rahman and Raya Binte Rahman. I would be very much grateful if you if you could kindly guide me on the islamic rules regarding names. I heard that we should not be called 'Rahman' only without any prefix as it is a name of Allah. Is our name could.. More
I got divorced 3 talaks got married again and got divorced. After three years my first husband asked me if we could get back together and he heard I got married but he did not belive it. So he tells me if I got married after him he does not want me back. Am I doing wrong if I don't tell him I got married? The reason I would do this is for the children... More
my wife die 2 year back ,i am 49 years old i have a daughter 20 year son 18 year ,now i want to get marry but my children say there mother has asked them if she die , my children should not allow me to get marry again they should not keep any relation if i do so and her soul will not be in peace. They are now confuse what to do as they also want me.. More
My husband and I have a difficult relationship, however we want to be together but we are still doubts whether we can .I'm 23 years younger than him and my immaturity has not helped us In May 2014 I was very nervous because he was going on a trip to Saudi Arabia and asked him to give me a divorce and I was menstruating at the time, only that our divorce.. More
Assalaamu Alaykum One person told me that there is a hadeeth according to which if a person does not guide her wife,daughter & sister to the right path,does not enjoin them what is good & forbid what is evil and does not stop them from doing evil deeds,then on the day of resurrection they will continue to take good deeds from that person until.. More