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I understand that there is the excuse of ignorance for one who claims Islam concerning Shirk (polytheism) and Kufr (disbelief), so would that be the case about one who says Laa Ilaaha illAllah (there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah) and grew up being taught that Jesus is the son of God or one who says Laa Ilaaha illAllah and believes in another.. More
There are scholars who prostrate to their shaykh, and then they perform people's marriages and read the sermon of the marriage. Is their involment haram or halal in people's marriages given that they perform Shirk (polytheism) and then do so? Are those marriages halal or haram? Please advise.
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Assalaamu alaykum. During our life, we may have uttered words of Kufr (disbelief) and may have done acts of Kufr. We may have uttered a word without realizing that it takes one out of the fold of Islam. Can we renew our faith every day by repenting to Allah and repeating the testimony of faith? I am asking these questions because, nowadays, we sings.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. A girl who loves me very much said that I am her Khoda (which we use for 'Allah' in Urdu). Here, the problem is not whether Khoda is the name of Allah or not, but the problem is that when we say Khoda (as everyone says in India and Pakistan), we mean Allah Almighty. Is what she said Kufr (disbelief)? If it is Kufr, then what should.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Sir. Please tell me, if you see anyone involved in any sin or committing (an act of) disbelief but he does not know about it while I do know that that thing is very serious but at the same time I do not have any courage or dare not to correct him, will I also become a disbeliever in that case? I do hate the sin/disbelief in my heart;.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. In India, we have songs that contain disbelief, like "Rab bhi deewana lage", which means, 'Allah is mad about a girl'; and "Tujhme rab dikhta hai sajde sar jhukta hai", which means, 'I see God in you, and I will prostate to you.' So what is the ruling on one who sings these songs without knowing its meaning?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a desperate question; I fear that my sister may have fallen into major disbelief. We were discussing Islam with a group of people, when one of them said, " Muhammad, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam,is my role model, to which my sister replied "Why do you not go marry a six-year-old?" I know that what she said was certainly haram,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum scholars. Having fun with religious concepts does not necessarily entail apostasy, does it? I have a family member who is religious, and he is funny, and from time to time, he makes jokes in which religious concepts may be involved but without intending to mock them. For instance, he said to me, “Had I known that you had money in.. More
Is belief that humans evolved out of monkeys a belief that takes one out of the fold of Islam? I have seen Islamic websites refute this theory, but I have not seen any that say that believing in this is an act of disbelief, so I am confused.
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Respected Shaykh. What is the status of someone who, in an attempt to reconcile the theory of evolution with the Islamic narrative of human origins, states that homo sapiens (modern humans) descended from other hominid species (all the while believing that all of this happened by Allah's Will and Power), and that thereafter, these homo sapiens went.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I asked this question before but I was told to clarify it. So, basically, I wanted to know whether if one read some defenses or justifications of the Qasida Burda, accepting it as simply praise for the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,instead of considering it to be excessive praise, and then read fatwas on the latter.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I had submitted a question asking whether a person who believed in the theory of evolution, or if he believed that Adam, peace be upon him, arrived through the process of evolution, is a Muslim or not? Although I received an answer to my question saying that Darwinism contradicted Islam, I received no direct answer saying that someone.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have sent this question before, but I made a mistake in the question number and accidentally quoted the fatwa number. Please accept my apologies. This is a follow up to question No. 2678145. I did not completely understand the answer, so I hope that you will be able to help me through this example. One of the groups in my class.. More
There is a woman who, though she claims to be Muslim, commits a lot of Shirk (polytheism). For example, she visits graves; wears "Taweez"; and goes to "Peer", fortune tellers, and magicians. She also believes in many weird things, like that the cause of rain would be such-and-such Hindu festivals, that wearing bangles would prolong the lifetime of the.. More
I remember my aunt's husband saying something years back; I think he said something close to ‘Has allaah gone blind or something?’ or something similar. Also, my parents were having a discussion about the rain, and one of them ended up saying something like 'Call up Allaah [with a phone/mobile] and tell Him to stop it from raining.' These situations.. More
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