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hi, is it an act of kufr to say something is mubarak when its actually not? for example if take a picture of ayat with my phone, is it kufr if i then say that my phone is mubarak because i have a picture of the quran in it?
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What is the ruling on a person who has performed the [obligatory] pilgrimage, and after a period of time, happens to slur Allaah the Almighty in a state of rage? How does that affect his pilgrimage? Moreover, is he considered to have become a disbeliever due to this act?
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Assalam o Alaikum Dear Sheikh What is the fatwa regarding a person who has been accused of claiming to be a prophet or accused of being associated with someone who considers himself to be a prophet? And if that person publicly denies this accusation publicly in these words: " I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad SAW is the last.. More
Assalamu alaikum. Dear sheikh. Is the muslim that celebrates christmas a kafir? Please keep in mind that when he is asked he says that he is only celebrating the birthday of Isa and he celebrates only with his family (in his house) not with any christians. Is this person a kafir or just a bidai? Some brothers discussed this and one said he was a kafir.. More
Assalamu alaikum,
Could please tell give an answer to the following please.
If someone calls a another a person, a munafiq because he lies and sins. And in return, the person replies by calling him a kaffir, who is to blame and which word is the most sinning, a Munafiq or a Kaffir?
Jazakamullah kahirun. .. More
A husband accused his wife of not being a Muslim, saying, "A Jahoodi stays a jahoodi even if s/he has become a Muslim," and "Why do you still wear a hijab? You should take it off as it is only appearance," and "Your prophet....." as if they don't have the same religion. The wife feels greatly humiliated. In a hadith it says that someone who accuses.. More
Is it permissible for the bride to uncover her hair on her wedding night if it is a party for women only? Can she do this in the presence of a Christian woman, who happens to be her uncle’s wife and who claims to be a Muslim even though we have not heard her declaring the Two Testimonies of Faith? Should we treat her as a Muslim sister or not?.. More
What is the ruling on saying,''Islam is free from that Muslim woman'', knowing that such a woman does many wrongdoings like listening to music, consuming intoxicants and not wearing Hijaab, yet she is a Muslim?.. More
My uncle is 30-years old and my aunt is 27. They do not pray and when we advise my uncle and remind him of death, he says that this is natural and that he neither fears death nor entering Hell. As for my aunt, she neither prays nor continuously wears the Hijaab under the pretext that she is still young. Please, advise!.. More
What do you think about a person who declares the scholars, like Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah have mercy on him, as non-Muslims?.. More
"A person who reports disbelief is not a disbeliever." What is the origin of this statement and who said it? Is this considered a Figh rule? [Please clarify in details]... More
What is the description of evidence and how is it established? .. More
There are some Soofi groups who affiliate themselves to Islam but they associate partners to Allaah, so is a person who does not declare them as non-Muslims a non-Muslim himself?.. More
Is it permissible to declare all Soofi groups as non-Muslims or dissolute people? .. More
Is someone who declared the two testimonies of faith with the intention of embracing Islam failed to fulfil their obligations and does not believe in other gods beside Allaah, excused for his ignorance?.. More
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