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Assalaamu alaykum. I had a heated debate with my dad. It was regarding mortgages. My dad says that interest is haram and that there is no doubt about that, but he says that since we live in the UK and given that there is no way to come to own a home in a halal way, by necessity, we have to take out mortgages. He says that if a person is dying from starvation,.. More
In a book, it says:
"126– It causes Kufr (disbelief) to say Abdulkoydur instead of AbdulQâdir when said intentionally. So is the case with saying Abdo instead of Abduluzeyz, Memo instead of Muhammad, Hasso instead of Hasan, and Ibo instead of Ibrâhîm. Some tradesmen write these blessed names on shoes or slippers for advertisement because they.. More
If there is something that represents disbelief on the door of a shop, like a picture or writing, and so on, is it an act of disbelief if I enter the shop and leave the shop by closing and opening the door? Another example: if there is something that represents disbelief on someone's clothing and they ask me to hand it over to them, is it an act of.. More
Shaykh, I have accidentally thrown away a picture of Prophet's Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,masjid, as well as a picture of the Ka’bah, so I do not know what to do now, and I think that I also have Islamic material of which I do not know where it is, but I had no intent of disrespect. I also lost Islamic material, such as Ayaytul Kursi,.. More
There is a Muslim guy whom I know who said really bad things about Islam to someone, presumably pretending to be an atheist. He said really bad things, like "Your God wants you to do His dirty work;" and that the Madrassahs are universities of ignorance and that "your Prophet" must be held responsible for this (we seek refuge from Allaah from such speech)... More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Please let me know; if a person does an act which he thinks may be mockery of the religion yet he continued doing it but did not intend mockery by it. Is there a possibility that it may be disbelief?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I am Muslim by birth, and I do practice the pillars of Islam, but most people I meet always refuse to accept the fact that I am Muslim. In fact, in my heart, I am Muslim. I always feel sad when people ask about my religion and I tell them that I am Muslim and they deny my belief. Please advise me, because I am very sad to hear that.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Why is Takfeer (declaring someone to be a disbeliever) made so easily when it comes to the specific interpretations of Allaah's attributes and names even though the verses and hadiths concerning that are not clear, and as shown throughout Muslim history, open to varying degrees of interpretation? For example, the Mu‘tazilah, Ash‘aris,.. More
In my facebook account, I follow many Islamic scholars. One day, I came across a storyfrom one of those scholars about a bartender who converted to Islam. I thought to myself, "Why should I care?" and I did not read the story. Afterwards, I realized that I said that I do not care that a non-Muslim converted to Islam. Is what I did and said Kufr (disbelief)?.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I was with my soccer team in a group, and the coach said to "keep putting the team first." If I remain silent in this situation, does this mean that I approve of what he said? I do not know if what he said was disbelief. Is it disbelief by remaining silent in a situation in which there is disbelief present in words or actions? If.. More
If a Muslim was unaware of what Shirk (associating partners with Allaah) means once while praying and misunderstood a hadith about God loving us like 70 mothers to be the same as Him loving us like children and invoked him as saying that we are like His children by mistake, and then as soon as he learned that the Christians commit Shirk with Him in.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I know that I have submitted quite a few questions to this site, but I only have one more question, and if this question gets answered, then the amount of stress that would be removed from my life is huge. My question is very simple. Please, I have searched the net tirelessly for an answer, and I have gone and looked at your.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Some people have names that are taken from the names of Allaah like, for example, "Kabir". If someone insults another guy named "Kabir" by mocking his name, is that merely a sin then, or is it tantamount to Kufr (disbelief), as it is Allaah's name? It is to be noted that the object of insult was not Allaah's name but the name of the.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. If I were to call a Christian a Jew or a Hindu a Christian; would that constitute Kufr (disbelief) on my part given that they have different Kufr beliefs? Or would it not be Kufr to name one type of non-Muslim with a different type of non-Muslim appellation. My question is very urgent, please. May Allaah reward you.
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What is the ruling on praising someone for sinning by, for example, telling someone who fornicated, "You did the right thing, smart guy," or a father saying to a son who beat his enemy unjustly, "You made me proud;" is this considered disbelief, or is it a grave sin? Note that the concerned person does not mean fornication or injustice to be lawful.. More
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