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What is the ruling on calling a Muslim a disbeliever?.. More
I am a young man who married six months ago and did not yet consummate my marriage. My wife wants an immediate divorce. She did not find any way to achieve that goal except to accuse me of disbelief. She attributed to me words that I did not say or even believe in, which is that I do not judge a disbeliever to be as such. She says that this invalidates.. More
What is meant by specific Takfeer? What is the difference between it and general Takfeer?
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When is a Muslim judged to be Kaafir (disbeliever)?
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What is the criteria considered by scholars in making Takfeer? .. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on a person who calls a Muslim a Jew? The reason why I am asking such a question is because I live in Libya and speak the Amazigh language and consequently the Arab people there call us Jews... More
I suffer from obsessive doubts. One day I bought a religious book that had some decorations on the cover. I said to my friend, "look at this book," using an offensive word to describe its decorations. Am I considered a disbeliever due to this act?.. More
What are the rulings related to judging a person as a disbeliever? .. More
Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllah wa barakatuhu, A brother just now blamed me for making Takfir on him, when I told him, I don't make takfir, it was him who constantly makes takfir on the Muslim rulers, he said, not saying "Salam" to a Muslim is automatically Takfir. I never say Hi and always say Salam, except when I am on the street and am just sending.. More
In the name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful.
What is “clear disbelief”?
As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum
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While I was happily and attentively supplicating Allaah The Almighty, I laid down the Book of Allaah before me and prostrated before it in the direction of the Qiblah (direction of prayer). I did so while I was thinking that is the exalted words of Allaah The Almighty. Later I feared that this deed may be an act of Shirk (polytheism); we seek refuge.. More
Does the excuse of ignorance apply to those who insult Allaah, even though we live in an Islamic country?.. More
I read a narration mentionned in some books of tarikh. Some khawarij said to ali you are a kafir and he is said to have replied yeah i am kafir.The way he is said to have replied it was clear that he was saying it in a sarcastic way and not as form of joking or accepting the speech but as a way of rejecting it. I wanted to know what is the hukm of.. More
My father is associated to a Sufi Tareeqah (Path). He also holds celebrations for birthdays of the (claimed) ‘Allies of Allaah’ and glorifies the dead. If he dies before he is educated beyond excuse of ignorance and doubt, what is the ruling of Islam on his case and the consequent rulings related to the family? .. More
Some Sufis claim to be Muslim while they are polytheists.
Will anyone who does not condemn them as disbelievers also be considered a disbeliever? What is the evidence for this? .. More
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