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Assalaamu alaykum. I had a partner whom I loved and who equally loved me back. Some time later, however, she started creating really negative hatred towards me and started hating me for no reason. Before learning about religious knowledge, I contacted numerous magicians, one of which told me that she was under a very powerful spell, and he recommended.. More
What is the Surah mentioned in the noble Quran that is used as treatment for headaches and to stop bleeding?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Nowadays, there are many Muslims that take part in the act of drinking written Quranic verses with the belief that they will become wealthy or attain wisdom or knowledge. Is it only okay for a sick person to drink this for health issues, or can anyone drink it for health purposes? Please, I want to.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I recently got married and my wife is not very practicing in following islam; Allaah willing, she is just learning. My issue is, I have accidently found some papers and notes in the Arabic language in my wife's purse. Me and my wife cannot read arabic and cannot understand it. They are handwritten, and it does not seem to me like.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My husband is a very good man, he would hardlyever miss his obligatory prayers and fasts, recites Quran almost daily, and enforces this practice in our home. Recently, we were struck with a mild financial difficulty for which we had to fork out a lot of money from our savings that went in vain; in addition, my husband had a car accident.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I have a friend who wrote لامساس (i.e. do not touch), which is similar to what was used in Surah Taha (Quran 20: 97). He claimes that he is using it as a protective word so that evil things will not come near him. However, I told him that such word used in the Quran is used to rebuke Musa Samiri, but the guy insisted... More
Asalaamu alaykum. There is a pomegranate tree in my home on which people tie amulets and red threads and so on because some branches are pointed out of my home. Some people say that these amulets are black magic. Should I cut down the tree or simply remove the amulets and threads?
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Assalamu 'alaikum. Is it considered as innovation to recite the Surah Falaq, Surah Naas and Surah Ikhlas & wipe over the children before going outside in the evening or night as the prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, advised to keep the children inside the house when evening comes?
Please give reference to the 'ulama regarding this.
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I am a 26-year-old man and suffer from hereditary alopecia. I pray and supplicate Allaah Almighty to heal my hair. I give charity according to my ability, acting upon the hadith where the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "Treat your patients by (giving out) charity." Are there any specific supplications attributed to the honorable.. More
Ansallamu Aliakum Warahamtullahi Wabarakatuhu. I contacted a local Mualim who prepared 5 teslimas (Islamic inscriptions on papers rapped with different threads as protection) for me which I buried in the ground in 5 places as instructed before I build my house in the place. The house has been built and I now realized that it is forbidden to have done.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, sheikh i have some questions if you can answer them for me, if not all please answer the first question, but it will be very kind of you if you can answer all of them. 1: Can a person write the name of Allah(any name) on his body like on the hand with pen and then rub it with water or mouth water, to gain strenght or for shifa. 2:.. More
Asalamalaikum rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhu. I know that the "hand of fatima"/Khamsa is haram-shirk if used for protection. Can you pls tell me if it's haram if used purely for decoration. Barakallahu feeki .. More
Salam alaikum, can anyone be cursed by the hate of people towards Islam and Allah? I am asking because so many men have proposed to me, I made Istikhara and then mostly I feel "No" without any regret or doubt and I get so extremly angry towards men who propose to me, I can hardly contain myself and that is not normal and considering the amount.. More
Is it permissible to perform Ruqyah by reciting Quran over water or oil and so forth?
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Is there a type of black magic called Rasd (when a certain Jinni is appointed for a certain spell and is not allowed to quit even after the death of his employing black magician)? Some claim that this type of magic cannot be treated by the Quran and that it is necessary to resort to someone acquainted with magic to annul it. How valid is this claim?.. More
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