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My husband's parents wearamulets andI know they ateshirk. Allah (swt) has granted my husband the wisdom to get rid of this, but they keep on trying to force it on him.We have told them many times that this is wrong andI am worried that this will effect my married life and my daughter's life as well. Currently we are in a different country from them.. More
Some people carry some Qur’anic verses in a small medal tied around their waist to prevent Satanic disturbances and for safety. Is this allowed in Islam? It is very common among the Indian Muslims... More
Here in Pakistan, we use to hang some Qur'anic Ayah for protection or maybe for benefits. Is this permitted?Is it correct that a Sahabi (I don't know his name) used to have Ayah in his neck for protection or on his children?.. More
What is the ruling on amulets? Can we pray behind one who makes and sells amulets?
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It is a common practice of Muslims in India and Pakistan that they wear Taaweez (amulets) of very small size Holy Qur'an around their neck. Is it permissible or not?.. More
I was touched by sihr (impossible to marry). I've been treated by a fiqh. At the end of his treatment,he asked me to give him my ring. He did something with it, it will protect me against other spells. Is it haraam to wear this ring? Are my salaat and dou'as accepted? What should I do with my ring? Throw it, burn it,or pay no attention to it...? By.. More
What is the ruling for the following:1) Believing that charm is the cause which brings good luck and averts bad luck.2) Believing that Allah is the beneficiary for good but the charms are the causes of it... More
There is a person who writes Qur'anic Ayahs and gives it people. Can we wear it?.. More
My mother has recently been under some stress from physical illness and general anxiety. As a result, she has decided, to briefly put it, to pay some people (said to be pious, Shuyookh) in Bangladesh (home country) to recite some verses from the Qur'an. In doing so, out of this charity, she may be relieved of her anxiety. Never having heard of such.. More
Are Muslims allowed to wear silver necklaces with Qur'an on them (Surat al-Kursee)?.. More
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