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- Is it permissible to write the verse of Al-Kursi, [Quran 2: 255], or any other chapter from the Quran on a piece of paper and then put this piece of paper in water and the patient drinks it?
- If it is permissible, is there evidence from the Quran supporting its permissibility?- Is it permissible to use supplications instead of Quranic verses in.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on wearing amulets and other objects that people believe guard against the evil eye or envy? Under which kind of Shirk is wearing amulets classified? .. More
Is the bracelet that is worn to prevent flu considered an amulet, knowing that physicians believe it to be effective?.. More
Some Shaykhs say that they can recite certain verses for girls so that they get married. They say that if the girl does not get married within three months after the Ruqyah, she should go to them again so that they would make Ruqyah for her another time. Knowing that they do not use black magic nor do they ask about the name of the mother nor take.. More
How can we deal with a Jinn who cast a magic spell on the bewitched person and embraced Islam after reciting Sharee‘ah approved Ruqyah; however, when we asked him to leave the body, he told us that he did not know how? He repeatedly swore by Allaah The Almighty that he did not know and cannot do so. .. More
What is the ruling of Islam on going to a Shaykh, who is specialized in curing people with the Quran, knowing that he uses some foreign words while talking in Arabic and that he continually recites the Quran throughout the session?.. More
What are the qualifications that Quranic therapists ought to have?.. More
What are the qualifications that Quranic therapists ought to have?
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My problem is that when I have foreplay with my wife prior to intercourse, I enjoy it and am in a natural status, but this changes at the time of intercourse and I then suffer from erectile dysfunction. This occurs most times, and except for in a few cases. Could it be envy or magic? What is the treatment?.. More
How can I learn to treat others from Jinn possession and envy?.. More
Is it permissible to hang a blue sculptured palm on which some Quranic verses are written? .. More
How can one make Sharee‘ah-approved Ruqyah? Is there a preferred time for making Ruqyah?.. More
My mother is ill so I recite some Quranic verses and Sharee‘ah-approved Ruqyahs over her from a booklet, then I softly blow out moist breath in my right hand and rub her body with it. Is this right?.. More
My father is under a magic spell and I am trying to find a Shaykh to treat him. When I finally went to a Shaykh recommended by a young man and started talking to him, I felt uneasy because he asked for some things usually asked for by magicians, like my mother's name and other things, and he did not recite the Quran. I did not do what he asked me.. More
Is it permissible to effect treatment by reading the Quran on molten lead?
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