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I have suffered more than one miscarriage, in these circumstances is it permissible for me to wear a Quranic amulet throughout my pregnancy?
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I study in Britain and thanks to Allaah The Almighty, I am a religious Muslim. One and a half years after traveling to Britain I developed painful symptoms such as exhaustion, migraine and cramps. These symptoms have become increasingly serious over time.
I have exhausted all the possible means of medical treatment and check-ups without any improvement... More
I suffer from a strange illness that physicians have failed to diagnose. I tried treatment with Ruqyah but my condition has not improved. What should I do?
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My mother is sick and we have tried every possible means to treat her but there has been only a slight improvement in her health. What is your advice in this regard?
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Is it permissible to pour water, over which some Quranic verses have been recited, on the whole body as an act of Ruqyah?
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What is the Ruqyah acceptable in the Sharee'ah and what are the verses that must be recited therein?
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assalamoualaikoum my name is sarif and i live in mauritius,an island of 1.2 million inhabitants and same is situated in the indian ocean near madagascar.the muslim population is 20 % and the majority is of hindu magic or sihr is part of the hindu rituals since they are indulged in idolatry and worship the kali maataa known for magic.. More
ASA, My son is three and half years old. He talks very little. I have been to doctor but not satisfied with their advise. His name is AHMED GHANI IMAM. Please advise in view of Islamic that his name is OK. I have guided by some islamic leader to read 1000 times AlQadiro and AlQawio on water and let him drink. ihavent started yet. Please highlight... More
i have been having problem since my teenage age.I dream of trees with male gentiles having intercourse with me, it come in form of woman or a man.i did not believe i had the problem but now that i have had over six suitors who leave without any reason i belief. I cant maintain a relationship or desire a man completely.i see my self brest feeding babies.. More
I get very frightened when I face some situations in a way that saps my will to resume my studies. Could this be the harmful effect of an evil eye? I suffer from headaches when I read the Quran. What is the ideal solution to this problem? I have heard that there are some people whom Allaah The Almighty has endowed with special power to solve such.. More
What are the curing verses in the noble Quran?.. More
My father has cancer and I found on a website how to treat a cancer patient with the Quran. So, I want your advice on the ruling for applying the following Ruqyah. This method comprises listening to the Quran and taking a bath and drinking from the water over which the Quran has been recited. Then, we should rub the organ affected by cancer with olive.. More
As salaamu alaikum Is it permissble to put husband hand on pregnant wife tommy and say duas or darood-e-sharif etc. Please tell me. Thanks. Khaliq.. More
assalam wa alykum if the person wants to read surahs and blow it on the water then the person should blow on the water after reciting every surah or blow after reciting all the surahs togather? and which all surahs should be recited to blow on the water for protection from all the evils? jazakallahhukhair.. More
Asslam O Alaikum, Dear Scholars, tell me the references that you quoted in your fatwa 83434: Hanging amulets containing Qur'anic verses of Names and Attributes of Allah is a controversial issue among the Muslim scholars. Some including Abdullah Ibn Amar believe that it is lawful. This also conforms to what was reported from Aisha (May Allah be pleased.. More
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