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What is the evidence, from the Sunnah, which proves the validity of using curing verses for ailments and magic?.. More
I have been having obsessions which make me imagine dreadful things. How can I get rid of these obsessions?.. More
Is it permissible for a person to ask others to do Ruqyah for him? Is there any contradiction between such a request and the Hadeeth in which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), pointed out that among the attributes of the seventy thousand people who will enter Paradise without reckoning is that they did.. More
Salam alaikum, In a video of Sheikh Al-Arifi he mentions that in Ruqyah against Al-Ayn one has to recite following: Surah Yusuf, Aya 67 to the last Aya Surah Al-Isra, Aya 82 to the last Aya The first 4 Ayas of Surah al-Mulk The last 2 Ayas of Surah Al-Qalam Sure Al-Fatiha Ayat al-Kursi Surah Al-Ikhlas Surah Al-Falaq Surah An-Nas Should one.. More
I have been suffering from an illness for a long time. Please advise me what should I do. Would reciting Chapter Yaseen be useful for me?.. More
Is it true that hanging scent or ornaments on a car mirror is considered an act of Shirk?.. More
Can Ruqyah be valid if it is done by playing a recorded tape of Quran while placing the water intended to be used in Ruqyah beside it?.. More
Is there a certain supplication in the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that is used in making Ruqyah for the patient suffering from tumors?.. More
Some diseases are treated through the beautiful names of Allaah The Almighty. Would you please clarify the method of treatment in this regard?
May Allaah reward you... More
In my country, we have gotten used to seeking the blessings of black cumin and use it to ward off envy as well as the effect of the evil eye by putting it over the clothes of the newborn or the bridegroom or in the pockets of those who are doing exams. What is the Sharee’ah ruling on this? Is this considered an act of Shirk (polytheism)?.. More
Sometimes one may use water mixed with Sidr (lote-tree) leaves on which Quranic verses are recited to undo magic. Should he wash himself with it cold or can he add to it some hot water on which no Quranic verses have been recited? Does it make a difference if it is used for three, or two or one day?.. More
There is an unfortunate widespread phenomenon in my Muslim country, as some Muslims, who believe that they are under a spell or the effect of magic, go to churches and ask priests to break these spells.
One of my female relatives went to a priest seeking a solution for her undutiful son ignoring our strong objection. The priest recited some words.. More
I have a twenty-five year old daughter and many suitors have proposed to her but I refused all of them, then no further suitors proposed. One of my friends told me that someone has cast a spell on my daughter and the only way to break it is to write down a Quranic verse on a piece of cloth, using a certain type of ink, and then to put this piece of.. More
I am a girl who suffers from severe pain in my right leg when I hear the Quran. Is it permissible for me to go to a man who treats with the Quran? .. More
I went to a Shaykh and asked him to recite Ruqyah over me, however he asked me to bring certain things to him, like sea water, well water, rain water and a kind of moss called the Wada‘ah. Should these things be used in Sharee‘ah-approved Ruqyah?.. More
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