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How does one relate Qur'an and Sunnah with the four great Sheiks namely, Shafii, Hanafi, Maliki, and Hanbaly? Is the role of these great Sheiks to divide Islam into sects? What the does Qur'an Surah 6:159 relate to?
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How correct is it for a Muslim or a collective of Muslims to, call themselves "Salafi", and only take their information, and advice from those of this group. Rejecting all other Sheiks... More
I belong to a family which practices Islam to the extent that their desires personal lives are not interrupted. My problem is that recently a pious Muslim proposed me but he doesn’t know much about my family. I have some terrible secrets regarding my parents and family which I think if he or any other person would come to know about,.. More
Where did Islam spread? Why did Islam spread?.. More
All you people talk about is uniting and rising do what…more violence. Muslims are not interested in working together, they want to isolate and kill everyone that is not a Muslim. You talk about being repressed, when you are most repressed by your own ideologies, and fanatical beliefs. Your actions and beliefs are what repress you the.. More
I have a friend who is a good and kind-hearted person. The problem is he also does lot of Haram things like watching movies, listening to songs, etc. A few years ago he was a very pious person, but now I am seeing lot of changes in him. Even I used to do lot of Haram things but, Al-Hamdu Lillah, now I have stopped doing all those things. When I.. More
We know that the Bid’a (new things added in Islam) is Haram. Is it true thattravel taken by brothers in Islam to call peopleto Islam is a Bid’a?.. More
Today it was Eid ul-Adha in India. As there is scarcity of Sunni mosques in my area, I went to a Sufi mosque and prayed behind the Imam of that mosque. To my utter amazement the mosque contains photographs of the Sufi Sheikh and something inside the mosque and also photographs of various shrines in Baghdad and Ajmer hanging from the 4 walls of the.. More
I converted to Islam about 10 years ago. I have always called myself an Orthodox Sunni Muslim. Recently friends who are as serious as I am about my faith have questioned me about calling myself a Sunni Muslim. They refer to themselves as Salafi. I have enjoyed the classes and the seriousness of this group but some of our friends have left this group.. More
Why do Muslims actively hate non-Muslims and work towards their destruction through physical violence? Muslims say that any non-Muslim is an infidel, and should be killed. Why is it that Muslims teach violence as the answer to everything? When they will not even interact with non-Muslims, how are Muslims expected to be treated with any respect,.. More
If a woman's husband marries again, she will spend nights alone; in fact if he marries 3 more times then she spends most of her life alone, while he gives his time to other women. His needs are satisfied every night, but the woman has no husband at home to satisfy her needs. Where is the justice in this and how can a woman tolerate such a thing... More
There is a long Hadith which states that during the last days there will be many parties and Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) answers to Hudhaifa (Radiya Allahu Anhu) that at that time desert all of the parties. It will be better for you, O Hudhaifa, to die whilst you bite onto the branch of a tree than to follow any of them. This Hadith.. More
I'm not a Muslim now. I might want to become a Muslim. However, I have already broken most of the Islamic rules, because at that time I did not think about becoming a Muslim. Can I still be a Muslim? How can I become a Muslim?.. More
I am now studying the Manhaj of Salaf. So recently, I was watching a speech by a Sufi Sheikh. He was saying that most of the previous great Imams such as Imam Abu Hanifa, Shafi’e, Malikie, and Hambali practiced Tassawuf (Sufism). He also said that Imam an-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani, as-Suyooti, Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, Ibn Katheer, and even.. More
My neighbour converted to Islam when she married, but she does not behave like a Muslim. Should I tell her this since my concern is the kids?.. More
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