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In Islam is the same God worshipped as the Christians worship? In other words, is Allah and Jehovah just different names for the same God?.. More
How far should some one go in trying to convince their friends of Islam? I work with nice people who have a real positive attitude towards their work and fellow-man. I have given them some copies of stories as well as facts. However they seem to take the papers and, Allah knows if they read them, as they don't respond to me on what they think.. More
I'm currently living in my mother's home along with my brother and his family. I'm concerned that my brother and his family are neglectful in their duties towards Allah and towards our elderly mother who serves us constantly, but who needs a great deal of help herself. They are good people, very wealthy Ma Shaa' Allah, but are also very worldly.. More
In my country there are no Islamic books in my mother tongue that let the people understand Islam. Is it lawful to take i.e. a book in German or other language, which I can properly understand, and translate it, saying "Bismillah" before starting to translate it?.. More
I have a friend who gets bothered by Jinns, but he's not Muslim. Who or how can I take care of this problem. Please let me know.
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Why Islam today branded as a terrorist religion although Islam is the religion of patience. Why are our Alims silent on the issue being propagated by non-Muslims?
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What are your views about Maulana Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Brelawi of India? And do you think he followed and preached Islam properly. I would appreciate your reply.
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There are so many Muslim organizations here in India like Tableegh Jamaat, Maudoodis Jamaat Islamic and others that it is really confusing which one to join. Each have its plus and minus points. As a Muslim in a non Muslim country is it sufficient that I do Islah to Muslims and Da'wah to non Muslims keeping in view the ascendancy of Islam over all the.. More
As a marriage is not valid without the consent of a Wali (guardian), will the marriage be valid if she has converted and that her conversion to Islam is against the consent of the parents?.. More
Who were the Qadiani, Agha Khan?.. More
I knew that my mother was cheating on my father but I didn't tell my father to preserve and protect our family now am old and I want to know was it a sin that I didn't tell my father... More
If someone seems to be suffering from a mental block stopping them from becoming a Muslim is it permissible to use hypnotism to help them "summon up courage" just as you might need to be hypnotized to help you lose weight?.. More
I am a new revert, I declared my Shahada today. The road ahead is hard. My whole context is Christian and I am married to a Christian minister. We have two children. We live where there are few Muslims. I went to a Mosque but it was filthy and the men rude. I know only one Muslim who has led me this path. He is a friend who is married to a Christian.. More
Is it permissible to prove Tawheed from the books of non-Muslims to invite them towards Tawheed? I mean there are many Hindus they have their sacred books these books are very ancient they belong to the period before Jesus. We find many evidences of Tawheed, coming of the prophet, etc. So, is it permissible to mention that evidences to invite them towards.. More
Did all the Prophets bring the same Message of Tawheed? Please provide me with details of it with Qur'an and Hadith... More
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