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Is the book Rad al-Muhtar by $Ibn Abideen$$ reliable for learning Fiqh? If no please recommend another one... More
What can we do about freemasons who want to control the world? Freemasons want to destroy Islam... More
Is nationalism a call of Jaahiliyaah and is Haram in Islam? Answer in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah... More
Does Islam allow private ownership?.. More
How should we behave with the members of our community who are lying on Islam in the media or when we are at work, only to give Islam a false appearance? (I mean the hypocrites who have submitted, and surrendered to occidental values)... More
I'm a converted Muslimah who is looking to change my name legally. My first name (American) has a bad meaning, so I want to definitely change that. However, I also want to change my American last name to my husband's name. My American last name has a neutral meaning (not good, not bad), but I would really like a Muslim last name. I know that we are.. More
I am staying in non-Muslim country. Here we have Masjid and Jama`a, al-Hamdu Lillah. But something happened, and people in our male-Jama`a stopped trusting each other; they divide into groups. They are all trying to be good Muslims (Insha Allah), but Shaitan made his work. Please, can you write some Du'a on such item, with Ayahs and Ahadith, that people.. More
I am a new Muslim. How should I dress and act? What should I learn first? Is there an Islamic web site that helps with the pronunciation of Islamic words and terminology?.. More
Give me some guidelines/tips for Dawah. I want to call people following Jamaat-e-tableegh (more than 95% of Muslims of India are following this Jamaat, but calling themselves as Hanafees) to true Islam i.e., to follow Sunnah of the Prophet SAWS based on saheeh ahadeeth. These people doesn't know what saheeh hadeeth is. They say all ahadeeth are saheeh... More
I am a convert to Islam, and my husband started trying to teach me the Fatiha when I expressed the desire to pray. I could not learn it, no matter how hard I tried. Then after quite a long period of time, about three or four months, I had a dream in which I recited the Fatiha without a single mistake. I learnt Fatiha by heart in a dream. Can you tell.. More
How did the sahabahs give dawah?.. More
My mother-in-law has two daughters. Her daughters are like American girls, going out with guys and one even married an American. But my mother-in-law, instead of punishing the girls, covers for the girls saying "no, they are going to their grandmothers house or they are going to their dentist". If they are late at night, or are with a guy or staying.. More
Was Adam a Muslim?.. More
A young girl accepted Islam with her free will but she is dependent on her family, so is it compulsory for her to follow the rulings of Shari'a?.. More
How can I invite my family to Islam if they were born as Muslims?. They lived in USA for 10 years and so did I.I feel like no matter what I say I can not reach them and bring them to the light. Help me to help my family! GOD bless us all.
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