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978 fatwas

  • Why People Follow Islam

    Why do people follow Islam? .. More

  • Teachings of Tabligh Jamaat

    Is it true according to Jamah-Tabligh in pakistan that it s obligatory for all Muslims to go out and preach the word of God from three to four days or three month in life time of human being. When they see someone who practices bidah or shirk (idol) they won't complain they would tell that person to join them and after a while he will know by himself,.. More

  • Limits for Talking to Non-Mahram Women

    A year ago before I change my life and become a good Muslim "Insha Allah", I used to know a girl that I thought I would marry but we weren't able to make it because of our differences that she doesn't believe in God. I don't know what to feel towards her, or how should I talk to her. I think that I should hate her but sometimes I tell myself that the.. More

  • Jesus did not die, was risen alive

    If Jesus is just a prophet, how did he die on the cross and rise? Why does the Bible say that He said that the He was the Son of God?.. More

  • Development of Christianity

    I want more informations about Christianity... More

  • Brotherhood in Islam

    As it is said by Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) no Arab has priority over a non-Arab, non-Arab on Arab and black over a white and so on. Except for the person who is Muttaqi (afraid from Allah) but nowadays Arab countries only call Arab countries as Ikhwan (brothers) and have their separate organizations like Arab League and so on... More

  • Christian Man Wants to Become Muslim and Save Young Daughter

    A Christian man is married to a Christian woman but he wants to divorce her and marry a Muslim girl. He has a daughter who was born in the Christian marriage. If he became a Muslim he will lose his daughter. What is the solution? Does his daughter become Muslim when he changes his religion? She is 3 years old. .. More

  • Finnish woman requesting document proving her Islam

    I'm married to a Finnish woman and live in Finland. My wife became Muslim five years ago. She pronounces the Shahadatain a lot, every time alone or if there is other people and she tries hard to learn the Qur'an in Finnish.My question is who does she need to officially become Muslim. Does she need any official document to make Umrah or Hajj, even.. More

  • Evidence that Islam is from Allah

    How is Islam stronger and more logic than other religions, especially Christianity .. More

  • Cohabiting with a woman outside of marriage

    Can we have sex with slave woman? Know that I mean by slave woman that is mentioned in the Qur'an with the words: Ma Malakat Aymanukum what your right hand possess.Therefore is it permissible to have sex with a woman who is under control of someone not by force but with the free will of her and her parents. If a man has a woman living under his roof,.. More

  • Wants to Embrace Islam and Become a Good Muslim Woman

    I'm going to marry a Muslim man. My family's religion is Christian, but I learned about Islam I find a lot of truth in this religion. After marriage, should I change my religion (my heart says I should)? How can I become a good Muslim woman? What do I have to change? .. More

  • "Wahabies"

    What is the ruling about the group called "Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jamaah" who are known by the name of "Wahabi"?.. More

  • Obligations for Da'wah (inviting others to Islam)

    With reference to Ayah No. 108 of Surah Yusuf, Ayah No. 110 of Surah Aal-Imran, Hadith: "Balligho Anni Walaw Ayah" and Hadith: "Al-Ulamoo warathat-ul-Anbiya", I want to ask the following questions: -1) Is the work of calling towards Allah (Da'wah and Tableegh) obligatory on every Muslim who is in Ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) or it.. More

  • Tableegh al-Jamaah

    I have read in that this Jamaah is spreading Shirk and Bid'ah is it true? If it yes then explain to me... More

  • Using a local approach for Da'wah

    Is it allowed to use the local dialect as well as the traditions and customs in our country as a prelude to Da'wah to non-Arabs living here?This is a field that attracts these foreigners more than anything else. So, we get to them by inviting them to a traditional dish, sitting with them in the tent and accompanying them on excursions in the desert... More