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3574 fatwas

  • Make Dua and be patient

    I have read your Dua Page and Alhamdulillah it was good but I'm requesting that you post a Dua on marriage. As I am a young Muslim who wants to get married but I can not find a good Arab Muslimah...So please could you send me or post a Dua on this topic and the second topic is that my parents for some reason are misguided by the world they put.. More

  • Forgiveness should not have limits

    I am a doctor working in a government hospital with other Muslim and Non Muslim doctors of different nationalities since last one and a half years. My unit head is a Muslim who till now was very nice with me in fact he was closest to me but he has a very bad habit of unnecessarily harassing other Muslim colleagues who do not accept his ideas... More

  • Dua to protect children

    My son is very active (mashaAllah) any Dua and any work to keep him in control. He is three years old, any Quranic Dua or Ayah you suggest to give me to read for him... More

  • Kinship relations

    My mother died and she wasn't satisfied with her brothers. Now if I get the full story about the problem and find out that she was right in her stand what should I do? Do I forgive my uncles or not?.. More

  • He wants to cut ties of kinship

    My brother during a heated argument with the other family members say "I will only come to this house until Mother alive and I do not need brothers and sisters anymore in my life. When I die 4 men is enough to bury me". Can a Muslim with Iman say these things? This person is thinking that he perfect and pure. Please advise with regards to Quran.. More

  • Severing kinship ties is a major sin

    I really hate my younger brother who during aquarrel asked me to get out of the house by screaming. I think he is a hypocrite who thinks he is good and pure. I really miss my mother whom I liked very much. For the past 5 years or so I did not visit her as she is residing with him. I really can't stand him at all who thinks he is pious. He does.. More

  • His training course ended early

    I have training course in France for period of time and I earn reqular fees monthly and my training course finished before the scheduled time. My question is, is it Halal to take the fees of the next month when I will stay for just a few days of first of that month before I return back to my country? .. More

  • Feels his repentance may not be accepted

    I have been involved in several relationships. Which involved being alone with girls, kissing, holding, hugging, and almost everything else but penetration. However, as you might imagine, during these moments one can not be sure whether I have had penetration or not, most likely not. It’s been several months since I have been with a girl, but.. More

  • Making a promise or lying to avoid serious trouble

    In a situation where continued dispute could lead to serious consequences (like a very treated argument) and a promise or lie is made to avoid disaster, must it be fulfilled?.. More

  • Wants to improve as a Muslim

    I was just surfing the Internet looking for information about the best way to start to be a good Muslim, I mean I was born as a Muslim and still practices my religion but don't feel I have done enough, especially when I read about sirah I feel guilty. Please recommend a good way to start... More

  • How to deal with a disobedient father

    I need your advice on how I should handle my problems with my father. I am a young man who follows the Salafi manhaj and still lives with his parents. Although he prays, my father is a disobedient Muslim: he does not pray in the Masjid and rather watch TV and pray at home when he feels like it. He does not ordain his daughters, which are my sisters,.. More

  • Repenting for Zina

    I am engaged to a Muslim man, but before we met, he committed "Zina" (fornication) for a period of time. About a year ago, a very shocking incident happened to him that changed his life for ever, and he had made repentance from every thing he did in the past. Now he is a very good person and he is so ashamed of what he did. No one knows about it but.. More

  • Injustice among the youth and elders

    In Islam why it is the younger ones are always at a disadvantage, because in any strained relations the younger ones must ask for forgiveness, be humble, be courteous and as for the elder ones, although in the wrong, are arrogant and higher and most of the times do not give way? Is this fair in Islam? Please advise... More

  • Repented from allowing a male friend masturbate him

    Nearly 1 year ago I had one of my friends masturbate my own parts with his hands. That same night I did Tauba and promised not to do again in my life as long as I am not married. My question is am I still liable for any Shariah punishment? Is it equivalent to having Zina? Please answer with references from Hadith and Qur'an? Thanks... More

  • Fiqh and its importance

    Why is Fiqh necessary? What is its importance? .. More