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3574 fatwas

  • Husband and wife do not talk to each other

    I don't talk to my husband for many reasons (he's unfaithful, he's absent all day since about 5 years and he strikes my 3 children and me...) for 4 months now. In fact, he hasn't talked to me since 4 months, and I also don't want to have any good thing with him. Is it Haram to continue not talking to each another? I think in Islam the man has to take.. More

  • Treat your wives honourably

    My friend's husband told my friend that it is permissible for a husband to be mad and keep silent from his wife for a few days but it is not permissible for a wife to stay mad or keep silent at the husband. According to him, the wife although she is angry, has to pretend to be happy and continue her job as a wife. I am not pleased with his answer as.. More

  • Dua during pregnancy

    There have been many times I have asked help from you on various aspects. My question is regarding 'pregnancy'. I would like to know if there are certain supplications, prayers or any Tasbeeha woman should follow during the nine months. Are there any do's and don'ts in pregnancy? Your reply is much awaited... More

  • Trial or punishment; reward or warning

    How can a believer knowwhether adversities or bad days are a trial (from Allah to His beloved people to judge them, polish them, and remove their sins so that they are ultimately benefitted in the life hereafter), or a punishment (decreed fromAllah due to some wrong doings)? What should be the right approach/reaction; should one take it as a punishment.. More

  • Best times for Dua

    Are there any specific times for making Dua, or can someone make Dua at any time he/she wants... More

  • How to deal with a disobedient husband

    I got married five months ago and I really love my husband a lot.On my part it is pure and unconditional. I don't spend his money on myself and Idon't buy myself anything as he says some women are only nice to their husbands for their money. That is the only reason I don't spend his money on myself. But as we don't live in a Muslim country and.. More

  • Wants to use false means to get wife's confession of infidelity

    What does Islam say in this matter? I am a married man.Due to workrequirements, I traveled and I left my wife with her family. When I came back to my homeland for vacation, some people told me that they saw my wife in suspicious situation with a manduring my absence. When I approachedmy wife about that she disowned and denied any connection.. More

  • Shaking Hands of Non-Mahram Women

    Why does Islam not allow greeting non-Mahram women by hand? .. More

  • Limits of relationship with non-Muslims

    Is it okay to have a Christian teacher or friend? I look forward to your answer. .. More

  • Request for Dua for help and money

    If a Muslim wants to ask money from Allaah for himself and his family (because they don't have money to live or having disastrous problems), what should he do to praise Allaah and ask Allaah for money? Please help and may Allaah reward you if you do. P.S: It's happening to my family and me (sort of, but we still have lots of problems)... More

  • I am not afraid of God

    I made a lot of mistake in my life, but now I m trying to be a good Muslim. But my problem is this: I am not afraid of god, I know it is wrong. I don't know why I should try to be good?.. More

  • Dreams and interpretations

    To what extent is it true that dreams actually have interpretations?.. More

  • Backbiting Kuffar

    Is it Haram to speak badly about kafirs and oppressive leaders in their absence? .. More

  • Fulfilling sexual desires prior to marriage

    What is the way to fulfill sexual desires before marriage withoutcommitting sin?.. More

  • Facing Qibla while making Dua

    Does a person have to face the Qibla while making Dua? Is it the same Hukm for prayer?.. More