my wife complained to me 4times till now that My(husband's) Father always kisses to my wife on her cheeks & neck (some times repeatedly for 5-6times) and recently he had again kissed her on her lips, i dont know what to do, as i live abroad. and he does this when no other family member is infront. my family have 3more members, Mother, sister & brother... More
I am living with my family in KSA. I have performed Umrah before, nmy wife is came here now, we want to perform umrah together, but m parents back at home in Pakistan said if i take my wife to perform mrah they will never talk to me. they said untill my brother & his wife back at home didn't perform umrah i shall not take my wife to Umrah. Plz advice.. More
Salaam alaikum. Praise be to Allah, the Lord and Originator and Fashioner and Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds. May He continue to shower His choicest and richest blessings and mercies on the greatest benefactor of mankind, Muhammad Mustapha (s.a.w.) and all of us - man, jinn and beast; dead or alive; male and female who accept and practise Islam.. More
May ALLAH bless all the scholars of islam who r spreading the true knowledge so that people can live their lives according to quran and sunna.Dear imam ,my friend who is also my partner in business trapped me with the help of his wife to have sinful relationship with her .Thanks to ALLAH that i did nt have sexual intercourse with her .I have repented.. More
Assalamualeykum Iused to live in africa, but now i came to join my husband in america.I grew up without knowing my father. I lived with my mom, grandma, and aunt.People said my mom is mentally ill but i never agree.When i lived with them, i did everything lawful for them .But when i came to america to join my husband ,i told my aunt's daughter to look.. More
Assalamo aleikom wa rahmatuallah w barakato.Ihave a problem and i dont know how to deal with it,i am a married man alhamdolialah and i have 4 children walilah alhamd .one week ago my sister gave birth to her 6th child, and its a girl walhamdoli alah . But the child is abnormal and her husband and all my family didnt tell her till this time and i dont.. More
As sallamu aliakum . i wanted to ask a question wich is really confusinfg me .one of my freind was asked by his relative that . 1)when ever we take the name of our beloved prophet (SAS) why do we say (peace be upon him).in english .we say the same thing for other ambiyaas also for eg (hazrat musa) we say (peace be upon him). but in arabic when we take.. More
Assalam alaikkum, I am here to clarify a personal doubt of mine. Is love allowed in Islam? I had fallen in love with one of my online friend who is also a muslim but couldn't proceed coz of family issues. We hadn't even met each other personally. We Both have understood the situation and had decided to quit chatting forever. I had then realised a muslim.. More
assalamu aleikum Iam in situation where i am presented a girl by my parents, but i already like somebody else which my parents is not huge favor of it. so question is should i follow my desires or my parents. please know person i like likes islam 1) In islam can i talk to 2 girls or more at the sametime to find which one is better for me to get.. More
Asalamualiakum, brother last week i heard a shaykh from bahrain say that riba is greater than shirk or i thonk he said murtad. Can you please explain how and give evdience to your answer. May allah reward you!.. More
i dont know if we shall call this a fatwa or a trial to think.i dont mean to be rude.but i always have this question bugging me. look i have a complex called prayers.i am not exagerating.sorry again if you dont like what i am saying. but i am a person who can not control gases.i know well the fatwa for this.but it means i have to make wodou' every.. More
Assalamu aleykum! All praise belongs to Allah! Thank you for creating this website, it really helps, may Allah reward you all for this. I have a question, my mom is gambling 5 years already, playing casino. Can you please tell me what can i do to stop her doing this, i am asking Allah to forgive her and stop doing this. Is there any how i can.. More
Assalamualliakum Brother/Sister I am a refugee and my elder sister proposed me to be resettled in Australia. As soon as I arrived with my little children in Australia, she and her husband told me to pay them Aud$7500.00 including interest; because, they borrowed the money from the bank to fund my program. However, as soon as I finished repaying them,.. More
My Question is, that in Islam it says that we should respect our parents. but i have been trying to find answers for ages now as to what a person should do to the "father" who abused her, you cant even bare to look at your father after what they have done to you. yet you are meant to respect them and after reading one of the other question that someone.. More
salamou aleikom, it has been a year now since i found out that my father is betraying my mother. i probably shouldn't tell her so i won't interfere in their marriage and i probably shouldn't confront him, i don't know what to do, it's such a heavy burden, i'm falling apart everytime i see him with this other woman, i feel sad for my mother who's working.. More
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