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My question is regarding narrations and Holy Traditions regarding “La Hawl Wala Quwutta Illah Billah” and the veracity about them. I heard in the sermon that recitation of “ La Hawl Wala Quwutta Illah Billah” “ (There is no power no strength but from Allah) is very effective means of beseeching Allah’s help and it has a lot of power in it.. More
Assalamualekum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatahu we are 10 childrens to our parents and iam the 8 one, my 1 elder sister she was married after marrige she is not having any children till 5 year then she come to my parents and take me with her at that time i was 3 years after that know she is having 4 childrens 3 years of age iam with her from that age to.. More
assalam wa alykum
is it true that a person who get true dream is truthful i.e dosen't speak lie. my sister says that she see true dreams n the one who see true dreams is not a liar but i know that she tell lies n i have caught her many times. when i tell her that it is not true that only a truthful person see true dreams, she told that i am jealous.. More
what is the ruling on audience clapping and shoes being upside down.. More
I had failed to assist my father in law in terms of financial aspects. I was tied up this time because of the commitment i had done to my family which left me with no saving for the month. This has brought hiccups in terms of family relationship. What am i supposed to do and what his rights as per ISLAM?.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, I have 2 concerns that I am trying to decide between. My parents are older and have health problems while I am living in America with them. But at the same time I want to leave America and make hijrah to a more Muslim country since there is no Islamic state right now. I dont know what to do, should I stay in America to look after my.. More
Assalamu alikum wa rahmatou Allah wabarakatoho.
Dear brothers, my question is concerning a tradition we have here where I live. People usually meeting each other greet using SALAM than shake hands. While shaking hands they say : "Allahoma sali wa salim ala sayidina Mohammed". Is doing so permitted ? Or it's some bat tradition that we must refrain from.. More
Essalamou 3alaikom warahmatou allah wabarketou
my mother passed away 2 years ago after that my father started drinking alkohol and dating wemen .He put my sister to the door so he can live with his girlfriend . My sisters and me tyried to convince him that it's haram and this is not the way he raised us...
I dont really know how to deal with him.My.. More
Dear Sir, Assalamualikum,
My name is Raza Ahmed and I work in Dubai as Property consultant, I got married in 24th October 2007 with my parents wish and they became very happy, after marry I got very good deals and I made so much money, since last year July 2009 I am very much upset because after July 2008 I didn’t sale any property till October,.. More
Assalamu Alaikkum.
One of my relation who she was married and lived with her husband for past 15 years. Meantime she got immoral relationship with one non-muslim fellow. She was lived with the non muslim for more than one year like husband and wife. After that she got divorce with her husband and she got married the same fellow after converting him.. More
Assalaamualaykum, I go out with my friend to swim in a swimming pool which is located in a compound of villas. My friend does not stay there but his house is close to the compoud. Two of his friends reside in the compound. Sometimes, when we enter the compound, where there is a swimming pool, the watchman ask us the name of the person whom we are going.. More
A few years ago, before I became a Muslim, I did not know which religion was true. This worried me, so I made many promises to God in the hopes that he would forgive my sins and lead me to salvation. These promises, usually to abstain from food, drink or other things for a short period, became a great burden on me, so I eventually promised.. More
Assalamu Alaikum.
If someone leaves a haram act for a human beings sake instead of Allah's sake. Wat is the fiqh on this?
JazakumAllahukhairan.. More
salam alkum, i am a 19year old girl living in canada, and you can imagine the kind of enviornment i am living.A man came and proposed to me through my dad,he was refused twice, one day i accidently meet him in a mall and for the lack of knowledge i have in islam i talked to the man and we sat together in public for 15min where he was explainig to me.. More
Salam!I am writing to you to seek guidance on my marriage. My husband and I are of different nationalities but the same religion "islam" and we are both religiously praying and following the guidance of our prophet mohammed (pbuh).. Alhamdullilah.Our marriage have been on for almost 5 years now but half of that we spent it away from each other due to.. More
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