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3579 fatwas

  • How to deal with bad neighbours

    As-salamu'aleikum, I am a female and live alone with my children and am foreign in this Arab country. I don't really know how the neighbors look at me; some are friendly but some are not really. A while ago, I found a shoe in my yard, which was thrown out of the window of my neighbors. I found it pretty insulting, but according to the neighbor, the.. More

  • Limits of obedience to parents

    I am a 21 yr old Muslima who has been away from guidance for almost all my life. Now that I am serious and certain about my Deen and my life, I will do what it takes to make sure I do not lose it. I am aiming to be like Ayesha and Khadijah (R) and I am taught to be a Mercy to mankind. When it comes to marriage, I want to marry a man with the same.. More

  • Wants to become intelligent, wise, witty and brilliant

    I am not very intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc. I cannot make creative ideas and i have lack of logic skills. I want to become intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc. and also want to improve logic and reasoning skills So please help me in improve myself... More

  • Broke his oath in extreme anger

    As salamu aleykum, I made a oath (yameen) to my woman by saying ''wallahi i will not call you so and so..." but after our child fall off from something and hurt himself, i did get very angry and in this very angry state i said what i made oath to. Does this nessaciate kaffarah ? I was in very angry state and said it without thinking. Was.. More

  • Wants to keep some of his clothes in his workplace

    Assalam alaikum! I am working in a different town far from my home town. I decided to seperate my properties especially my clothes into two keeping some behind for use when I return, while I took some to my station. I want to ask if my action is against the teachings of Rasulullah S.W.A. I once heard that my action is another form of extravagancy as.. More

  • Sometimes can not pronounce the words of supplication properly

    assalam wa alykum what should be done if a person sometimes cannot pronouns the dua because of the slip of tongue and sometimes pronouns it correctly ? can the person continue saying that dua or should not recite it ?.. More

  • Seeing visions while awake

    Does Allah show visions to us in the awakening state? For example, if you see something appear on let's say a wall that isn't actually there in reality, is this definatley a hallucination of the nafs or could it have been a vision from Allah?.. More

  • She takes care of sick old non-Muslim patients

    Same question needs more answers, plz? I am confused (Inspired by another question)? I am confused some people say you cannot help the dead and then others say if you pray for them and do good deeds in their name you can? I wonder which one is right? I have several patients I have taken care of over the years even outside the hospital , one lady.. More

  • How to deal with rude people

    Aslam Alikum I would like to know how muslims should respond to those who are rude (There are some people who want attention in my school, and to do that they offend others by using offensive language). This usually makes me angry and feel to act. Please advise on what to do. .. More

  • She takes the remaining money after buying food for her company

    Asalamuallikum Brothers in Islam, My question is, my wife has recently got a Job, and she is working a cook in to the place I work as an Accountant, she is paid monthly. However she is given money for the daily meal and she goes to the market and by the necessary food staff for her to prepare the meal. And for the money she is given, she always has.. More

  • Parents interfering in their married son's personal affairs

    Asalaamu alaikum, I am trying to understand the parents rights over their married son and the decisions he makes with his wife. Assuming all choices made are halal: 1) Does an adult, married son have to obey his mother/father if they try to tell him where he can or cannot live or how he should spend his money or that he can't accept money from his.. More

  • How she deals with missing her dead daughter

    Dear brother as you know my daughter passed away 4 months back.She was my only child.Like siad in shariah we are not supposed mourn more than 3 days and should act patiently on such ocassion.I did it the same way.I did not cry when she died and mourned only for 3 days.But being mother there are times when i miss her but i dont cry because me and.. More

  • Exalting the mention of the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, in Du`aa`

    Assalamualaykum, dear scholar I have learned that it is always good to recite darood before making dua. Does this applies to al kind of dua, that is even the specific ones like dua before and after eating, dua before and after entering the masjid...? Jazaakallah khayr. .. More

  • Disposing of items bought with stolen money

    1. If a man was a thief and he wanted to repent (Tewba) what are the steps and criteria what should he do with his materials ( such as his clothes, shoes, everything) that he bought with the stolen (Haram) money? What should he do about his body built upon Haram food (i.e. bough by Haram money) ? I have overheard a Hadith that the prophet (PBUH) said.. More

  • Parents forcing their son to take a usurious loan

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Assalamualikum my question: I have studied in a private college and as the college actually had installment of 500 dollar per month and did not charge any interest. now my parents think that it was not good enough and they want me to go to an university and take a huge loan and including living cost, etc. i.. More