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3581 fatwas

  • Loses her piety during holidays

    I am an 18 years-old Muslim. I am very interested in learning about our religion. When I am in need of something, I become very pious and righteous. But there is one time when all my piousness goes. That is during the holidays. I become ungrateful to Allaah. I don't know why. Now presently I am waiting my results. And I have holidays for 3.. More

  • A daughter's share in her father's donations to her siblings

    My Muslim friend in India, has a Muslim wife, she is the daughter of a very rich man .Her father gets a rent of INRS 400,000 per month from a company, in Mumbai. What is her share from the rent? They are 3 brothers and one sister in all. The father, on instigation from his eldest son, adopted the grandson as his adopted son. The father has given.. More

  • Surfing pornographic websites

    I'm working in the Islamic school and my boss allowed me to surf on the Internet, but sometimes I'm very frustrated to click on the porn picture. My questions are: 1) Although I'm allowed to surf on the Internet, the boss must joint the sin as I did? 2) I must pay money at the time as I surfed on the porn picture or not. 3) What should.. More

  • Wants a wife he divorced at her insistence 30-years ago to forgive him

    My wife asked for divorce about 30-years ago. I tried very hard to stop her, but all efforts closed. Even though I feel that she was wrong in refusing settlement but I want her to forgive me before I die. I was told that a Muslim should be free of all human wrong doing before he or she leave this earth. .. More

  • Questions his motives for doing good

    sometimes now and then I think about something that is totally not normal, just like if I see a scholar it comes in my mind something very bad and when I make Athaan after that I think did I do it for Allaah or did I do it for show off and sometimes when I want to go to Fajr prayer to Masjid I think like are you going for the people so that the.. More

  • Fulfilling his vow to pray if he committed a sin

    My question is that I have many prayers which I made obligatory on myself. This happened because I said I will pray this much if I perform a sin and I did that sin. So now I have many prayers to pray. What I want to ask is, is it allowed to pray this kind of prayers after the 'Asr and Fajr prayers. I asked this question because I want to pray.. More

  • Wants to repay money he stole 15 years ago but cannot find the person he stole from

    I promise along with put my hand on the Qur'an, that I was not stolen his 50 rupees Indian before 15 years ago of friend. Know I searching him from 14 years still he is not met. What will be the kaffarah or punishment from Allaah? .. More

  • Du'a to get a baby boy

    Can you give me Du'a from the Sunnah to get baby boy? .. More

  • Masturbates habitually

    I am a well educated girl 26 years old. I have a good job and wearing Hijaab. I masturbate whenever I get the chance. I enjoy talking about sex and watch naked guys on the net. But never show myself it gets worse with me. But I never do anything in real I fear God and marriage is not an option now. You know we girls don't have the first step.. More

  • Times to pray for the Prophet

    There is a Hadeeth in Riyaadh-us-Saaliheen quoted from Abu Daawood that Aws Ibn Aws said something to the effect that the Muslims should increase their Salawaat on the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, on Fridays, and is ranked Hassan. Based on this, can the Muslim choose a time, (for example, after 'Asr or after Salaatudh-dhuhaa in the.. More

  • Questioning reason for child's death by car accident

    I want to know about child death in car accident (he was 1 year and 11 month) by his father. Do Allaah already plan how one die or it was our mistake or it is the punishment by Allaah? How I deal with my 4 year son he cries a lot miss his brother?.. More

  • Forgiving people who treat you badly

    I want to know that if its Haraam not forgive someone who done to you a big mistake because my in-laws are treating me badly talking behind my back and calling me some kind of freak. Please help me if you can. .. More

  • Her husband is overly critical of everyone which causes marital problems

    I married my husband since last year. The first time I met him on the wedding day, I noted that my husband is a kind of person who like to criticize others very much. I found that, he think only him is the right and perfect human being above all intern of Deen as well as worldly affairs. Nobody has done any right thing except him alone. He does.. More

  • Reluctant to inform his parents that he married a Muslim convert

    I am student here in India. I got married after my wife she converts to Islam, and still now my parents they don't know. I want to know if this is wrong? But any way Inshaa Allaah, I am going to inform them very soon. Because that time if I said to them anything may be they will reject but I fell I did something good to let someone to convert.. More

  • Dealing with immoral material

    What is the Fatwa of an activity of a person having taking candid pictures of couples having immoral activities, then circulate it to what ever means of mass communication? What is the Fatwa of an activities of a group of person having somebody letters for the pleasure of themselves or they do it for some sort of moral protection, but it is.. More