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3581 fatwas

  • Thinks his name and magic may be the cause of his problems

    My name is Khoker Zafarulla khan, s/o. Khoker Jamal khan belongs to Muslim Indian presently expatriate of Kuwait. From 15 years onwards I had been a lot of troubles in my life. Presently I have a lot of credits on my shoulders. I have two daughters. One is 9 years another one 4 years living along with my wife. Is there any trouble from my name? Some.. More

  • Wants to know how to drink Zam-Zam water

    In the drinking of Zam-Zam water, which is preferred, drinking the water in three gulp or drinking one's fill? I ask because sometimes you may have to drink more than three gulps to reach your fill and sometimes one or two gulps may be enough to get to your fill. .. More

  • Making collective Du'a for wishes/desires and dining together afterwards

    In most parts of India there is a practice of putting up some wishes and desires with Allaah and invite some near and dear people to their home and recite the Ayah 21:87 for 125000 times collectively and pray for the wish to be fulfilled and end up having dinner or so. Is there any wrong doing in this? .. More

  • Has frightening dreams when sleeping after reciting Ayah Al-Kursi

    A person dusts his bed, lies on his right side and recites Aayat-ul Kursi with Wudu before sleeping at night, yet he occasionally sees scary dreams. The promise of Allaah is true, so that person may be doing or thinking something wrong or there is another problem. Can you please shed more light on this for him and the rest of the people? What.. More

  • Severed relations with his sister and nieces

    My question is that I've cut all contact with my sister and her daughters because her older daughter became pregnant a non-Muslim man and she never been married to him. My sister knew everything but she didn't care still don't pay Allaah in anything, .. More

  • Assisting non-Muslim friends with their wedding arrangements

    Please clarify if it is permissible for me to help my non-Muslim friends to buy their wedding cake, book a reception hall and buying gifts for their forthcoming wedding and as well as to attend their wedding reception with no alcohol being served. .. More

  • Female student in US is straying from Islam

    I'm a student in the United States and I live here for 4 years now. I prayed most of these years I really love to be a good Muslim but there is always something that stops me like this summer. I got married for 3 months but it didn't work out so I'm not married now will after that I stopped praying I don't know why I even started not to believe.. More

  • Wants her dream interpreted

    I got married by my choice with Muslim boy and converted in Islam. Now I am obeying Islam like any Muslim. My parents are against me and now my father died and keeps coming in my dreams as he wants something from me. Could you please explain what does it mean and what can I do for them. .. More

  • Providing semen samples by masturbation

    Are we allowed to provide a semen sample through masturbation? I am pretty sure that we are not but would like confirmation from a scholar regarding this issue. .. More

  • Made vow to Allaah but her husband doubts its details

    To get pregnant I promise to Allaah to fast three days without talking to anybody and then I said if my husband will not be agree then I will talk only to him. Now I have a baby and I tell this story to my husband and he said I don’t have to be similar to the virgin marry. Of course I did not think on that way on that time. So please tell me.. More

  • Distressed over his failure to study, and become an Imaam

    I have a problem that has been very stressful lately. I am a young man in my early 20's. I try my best to practice Islam. I have memorized more than 25 Juz' of the Qur'an. About 2 years ago my local Imaam here in the UK, sent me to study Islam overseas in a Arab country. He encouraged me and promises me a job as an Imaam when I come back. To.. More

  • Permission of the Shaykh to do Zikr loudly

    Do you need permission from a Shaykh to do Zikr loudly? Is it a sin to do loud Zikr while someone is sleeping nearby? If so, can the person trying to sleep tell the brother to quiet down his Zikr? .. More

  • Her caring husband often speaks badly of others

    My husband is a kind of person who like to reveal others mistake, false deeds (look bad thing from others), the way in which I really dislike. I sometime try to stop him from talking bad thing about others. But I only get the negative response and displease by him. We always have quarrelling when I gave good advice or remind him about good.. More

  • Staying with someone whose income is not pure

    I was person in difficulty and one of my friend offer me to stay with him till I find the mean to have a place. I know that only Allaah can help me. But I find out some of them people that I stay with are not doing according to the book I mean their income is not clean. What should I do? .. More

  • Wants to move from her Christian parents' home to live with a Muslim friend

    I have been apart of the Muslim community for almost a year. I took my Shahada at a Halaqa in March of 2004. I have the opportunity to move in with another sister who took her Shahada around the same time as mine. My question is it Haraam to move out of my parents home and into an apartment with another sister? Right now I live at home with parents.. More