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3574 fatwas

  • Wife Going Out with Her Mother or Brother Without Husband’s Permission But He Does Not Object

    If my wife go outside with my mom or her mom/bro to buy her derss or to visit relative wothout informing me though i wont mind for that, will she be sinfull for that? .. More

  • Travelling to do Both Permissible and Impermissible Things

    Is there concession(for prayer and fasting) for someone who travel for both bad and good things but his main aim is the good thing ?. .. More

  • Marrying From the People of the Book While Hating them

    Thank you for answering my question in fatwa 384922. A lot of questions arouse from your answer. You said that the People of the Book have a heavelny religion. How can this be if sura 3:85 abrogated it and it is a false religion and only Islam is the true one? Can there be two true religions? See also fatwa 12718. You also said "if the Muslims have.. More

  • Admitted to College But Had Cheated in High School Exams

    Assalamualikum, I have recently been admitted to two colleges that I have applied to. In the past, in high school I have cheated a couple of times usually by giving people answers for simple work such as homework, class work, and possibly labs. I have also cheated at least once by taking someone else’s idea from the internet for a small project. For.. More

  • Enjoys Attracting Men by Her Looks

    As salaamu alaikum,thank u for answering my previous question.i have a bad habbit of attracting men by looks and enjoying.this gives me very much pleasure.unconsciously this I want to stop this,but I am unable to find pleasure in any other thing,like in my children or husband or kitchen work.i am going mad,please help me ,how to get pleasure.. More

  • Repenting from Sins Then Publicizing them

    Assalamualaikum,I have heard that a person will not be forgiven if he has spread out, bragged and boasted to his friends about his major sin while Allah had hidden it. If someone does this, What should he/she do? If he/she makes sincere repentance for his/her major sin , but for telling the major sin to his/her friends, Will not Allah forgive ? And.. More

  • Addicted to Masturbation

    I used to masturbate a lot. Now just 2-3 times a week. I can't seem to stop my self completely. There's this random urge I can't fight. I repent each time. What should I do. .. More

  • Bored of Spending on Her Jobless Husband

    Salam alaikumI have been paying for bills and everythg since my husband become jobless for 2 yrs now. He tried to get a job but to no avail. Im tired of having to pay for everythg. He obviously doesnt give me money to spent and if he have money from doing odd job he didnt gv me any either. Allah said men are protectors n mainteners of woman, but right.. More

  • Kindness and Justice With Non-Muslims

    Salamu Aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu! Thank you for fatwa number 384016 but still I did not find the answer to my question there. I am well aware that a Muslim can pretend friendship to kuffar if he fears a danger from them. I am aware of the tafseer of Ibn Katheer about sura 3:28 and that we can be nice to them in order to call them to Islam... More

  • Reciting the Quran is the Best Thikr

    Assalaam Aleikum Warahmatullahi WabarakatuhuWhich is the best dhikr with high/ heavy rewards.Jazaka Allah Kheir .. More

  • Broke Many Oaths and Is Not Certain How Many

    Asalamu alaykum, i have made many oaths in the past and i broke them, maybe i made some even before i came to know that a kaffara has to be payed and only repentance isnt enough. i dont know how many excactly it were, i payed the kaffara for 6 oaths already. i remember that i used to think it were 8 but now i only concretly remember 6. what to do? .. More

  • A Man Refuses to Supplicate for His Dead Parents

    what is the ruling on a man who refuses to supplicate for his dead parents because he doesn't want them to enter paradise after they abused him when he was a child? .. More

  • Father Might Have Had a Child Out of an Affair

    Assalaamu alaykum wa ragmatullaahi wa barakaatuhIf my father had affairs years ago and his family knew about it, was it their duty to tell my mother or was it correct for them to keep it a secret?If his family knew he had a child out of this affair and his family knew about the child and never told us, was that wrong and sinful of his family not to.. More

  • Vowed Not to Eat Whey

    Previously I learnt that majority of scholars held whey is haram. Then due to this I made a vow to Allah swt to avoid it. but now Ive realised its in so many of my favourite foods so can i start eating it again and expiate for it? Salam .. More

  • Lying When Telling a Joke

    Is it permisible to exaggerate a situation as a joke? And is it permissible to lie in a joke. is it permissible to say a story and then say just kidding that never happened? .. More