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3574 fatwas

  • Fulfill your vow as long as you can

    I have consulted your web site for many issues. I need to know what the rule is when one says that when Allah accepts my Du'a for any purpose I will perform such and such act. I basically committed myself to Allah that I will say two Nafl after Maghrib as Shukar Nafl. Throughout my life but I found that it is not right to say like that I did perform.. More

  • It Is Unlawful to Look at Men Wearing Only Shorts

    Someone asked me a question. This person is quite illiterate in Islam and thus asked me to bring a prove from the Qur'an only. Even Hadith does not make this person convinced. The question is where in the Qur'an it's written that a man must cover his part of body from navel to knees? And why this part of man should be covered? .. More

  • Du'a when in trouble

    My husband was accused falsely by his co-worker that he touched her in response to a complaint placed against her. She is a Christian, who always treats Muslims badly seeing which my husband was angry and wrote a complaint against her, for which she lied about my husband touching her. Please tell me what Surah I should read... More

  • Lying to Get Better Accommodation

    What is the ruling for someone who goes to Europe from a peaceful country and claims that he comes from another country which is facing civil war, to take advantages like free residence, accommodation and free education? .. More

  • Pious wife in Dunia wife to her pious husband in Paradise

    If the woman is good in Dunia and dies and meets with her husband in Jannah (Paradise) will she be the prettiest than, all the Hooriy in her husband's eyes... More

  • Father Was Not Pleased by Son’s Choice for Marriage

    Lately, My family has been facing a delicate problem. My brother met a nice girl that he likes and wants to marry. However, when my dad met her, they did not get along very well, and therefore he did not approve of her. He did not forbid my brother from marrying her, however he told him, that he would go meet her parents to ask them for their daughter.. More

  • The vow should be fulfilled without delay

    A sister made an oath to sacrifice 2 to 3 chickens when she will know that her friend pass the boarders of a city safe, now this person is safe and the sister can't sacrifice because she lives in UK, and is not allowed to do something like that. Can she feed people or someone to do it for her in another country?.. More

  • Mere Thoughts Are Pardonable Unlike Determination and Intention

    I m a practicing Muslim man, single, I pray, fast, never drink, well behaved, never committed Zina, my only problem is that I have feelings for men, I feel attracted to men, I never acted upon my feelings, nor I ever told anyone. I struggle with it myself everyday. My question is am I a sinner for having these feelings even if I don't act upon them?.. More

  • How to repent from disobeying her diseased husband

    Is it Haram when wife don't give her husband intercourse when they are mad at each other if so how can I repent so Allah and my diseased husband can forgive me. We always have good sex just when we get mad we would say I am not going to give u none or he will say same after 2-5 day then we would have it I never liked having sex when I am mad I think.. More

  • Arguing with the Husband

    If one's husband is not very helpful for the wife in all aspects, but is very devoted to his work so much that he ignores children, is it sinful for the wife if she argues about it? Is it sinful to fight with one's husband for the right of his wife? .. More

  • Wife Hiding Information About Her Salary from Her Husband

    I am asking about hiding something from my husband. I told my husband about half the salary that I earn because every pound we have was spent in any thing event if it is not important from my point of view. I want to draw your kind attention that we have a son about one and half years old that need to secure his life and to make the necessary safety.. More

  • Saying ‘Inshaa’ Allah’ along With A Vow

    What is the significance of saying Insha-Allah (God Willing)? Is uttering it considered a vow? .. More

  • Lying to get better price

    If I bought a thing with 10 Dirham and I told for my friend that it is 20 Dirham and I took from him 20 Dirham. Is this lawful?.. More

  • Admitting sins after returning into Islam: right or wrong?

    How could I admit my sins immediately after returning into Islam?.. More

  • Tests and trials purify from sins

    I'm contently in pain or injured or barely have provisions to provide for my family. Could this be due to sins that I may have committed or could it be a test from the greatest Allah to purify me. What does Islam say that I can do to improve myself; like Du'a or anything Halal... More