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3581 fatwas

  • Kissing Hands

    Is kissing the hands of pious, Aalim (scholar), old and elderly allowed in Islam. This includes aunts, uncles, and also distant aunts and uncles. .. More

  • Unmarried Student in Russia (How to Be Patient)

    I have been living in Russia for six years. I am not married and to be patient in such society is so difficult, I have no girlfriends, although I cannot marry now because I am not ready for that (I have not finished my study yet and I will continue my education here for many years. What should I do? Advise me please and may Allah bless you with health.. More

  • Married Woman's Mother Asks for Money Without Reason

    I am a married housewife. I have six daughters and there is only one man who earns in whole family (my husband). My mother is a very, very spendthrift woman. She has four well-to-do sons who send her a large amount of money every month. She quickly spends it in a bad way, e.g. to buy radio or AC, etc. and then she asks for money from me. I don't want.. More

  • Swore falsely by the Qur'an

    I have sworn on the Qur'an to something that is not true but not as a witness... More

  • Wife wants a plastic penis

    I live in Hong Kong. I married three years ago and every year I visit my country and my wife asked me to buy for her plastic penis to use it if she feels hot. I don't know if this is Halal or Haram. Please answer me. I wait, but no answer I don't know why. .. More

  • Wants to repent for having anal sex with his wife

    I have been married for nine years. I made the mistake by having anal sex nine times with my wife, but I stopped this. I am very sad for what I did. What must I do? I will do it... More

  • Husband Does Not Pray

    My husband does not pray. What can I do for him? .. More

  • Married and Has Family without His Parents' Knowledge

    I am now in our hometown with my parents and they don't know anything about my life abroad, especially my wife and my baby boy - they want me to marry one of our Muslim relatives and they are very sincere for this and I want too, of course to ease the pain of my parents in case they will know it. If I marry a Muslim woman a lot of problems will arise... More

  • Asian Parents Won’t Allow Marriage to White Revert

    I am a 28-year-old white, English revert. I have found a brother that I wish to marry who is a 30-year-old Asian. We are both in agreement of this, however his family will not agree nor bless this marriage. They want him to marry someone from his own background even if she is not practicing Islam. I believe that his family is more worried about what.. More

  • She Works to Support Her Aged Father but In-Laws Disapprove

    I need your advice on the following matter. I got married 3 months ago. I use to work in an office from last 7 years. The main purpose of working in an office is to support my father. We are 2 sister one is married with 3 kids and living in UK. And my mother dead since 1988. So before marriage me and my father were living together. And after marriage.. More

  • Group Supplication

    Is group supplication Shirk? (One person or an Imam reciting "Du'a" and other saying "Ameen" for it). One of my friends arguing that it is a Shirk as the people who say Ameen depending on the person who recite Du'a. .. More

  • Invoking blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and not other Prophets

    As I am perusing your Fatwa section, I noticed that you begin all of your responses with, "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions." In 2:285, the Qur'an says, "The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, as do men of faith. Each.. More

  • Sex with husband not satisfying

    I have been married for two years now. I am 17 years old and my husband is 26. The amount of sex he gives me is not enough. I always have the desire. Just a while ago, I used to masturbate allot. I had an orgasm 2-3 a day while he was at work. I always felt guilty and repented. Now I have stopped, Al-Hamdu Lillah! But he still does not give me enough.. More

  • Didn't get a husband after praying to Allah for 5 years

    I want to get married and pray 5 years for Allah to give me a good husband, but I didn't get one yet. I think that I am not good enough or something's wrong about me so I am not getting what I want now. I gave up to even asking Allah to give me a husband because if I see my past is so bad then I tell myself I don't deserve good. Am I right to think.. More

  • Husband Doesn't Pray and Manages Hotel That Sells Alcohol

    I live with my husband in New York. He works in a restaurant, whereas you know in America restaurants serve liquors. He is the manager of this restaurant. He is a perfect husband, very responsible, thoughtful of me and the need of his home, but his problem is that his does not care about his religion. He does not pray, give Zakah; the only thing he.. More