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3574 fatwas

  • Nothing Wrong In Mentioning Virtues of Non-Muslims

    Assalamu'alaikum WarahmatullahYa Sheikh I have a question. I have just recently came across some website that are quoting fatwas from most orthodox and conservative scholars ( may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  them). And one of the fatwas is that we are nearly not allowed at all to praise non-muslim (Kuffar) at all things. Recently, Japan's word cup fans have.. More

  • Sinful for Forging Certificates but Your Work with Them Is Permissible

    Sir, my graduate admission requirements were to have DTE certified with experience. It was also said that the previous result and experience will be considered for selecting the students. I had good results but had no experience. So, I made a false experience certificate and got the admission. After that, I successfully completed my BscTE degree from.. More

  • Used Many E-Mail Addresses to Ask Questions

    1)while fasting in Ramadan, 2018 I sent several questionss using several email accounts in a fatwa websites though it was told in the website not to do. cause I need to know the answers of my increasing questions so I had to do that. does it affect my fast as I broke rule? 2)I even sent questions from my brother's account & mention his name as account.. More

  • Seeking Knowledge But Fears Not To Act Upon It

    Asalam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu. Could provide me with evidences how important is that we should implement or act what we learn? As i really like to seek knowledge but it think i'm going far as i can't implement much. For example i read that Allah will reward those who spend on their family, every deeds depend by their intention so i could.. More

  • Husband Should Spend On His Wife Sufficiently

    My husband is a doctor. I have a son and a daughter. My husband earns enough to fulfill our needs properly and is also able to save his earnings. He provides money for necessary needs of the family for example education, food, clothing for our son and daughter etc. But he is really reluctant to pay any money for my clothing or any extra need.I am not.. More

  • Impermissible to Say Unlegislated Mention (Thikr) after Prayer

    Assalamu alaikumI have some questions.After each prayer I do dhikr like33 x astaghfirullah33 x alhamdulillah33 x subhanallah33 x la ilaha illallah33 x allahu akbar33 x allah33 x subhanallah wa bihamdihiand can i do them t2for i do every time after each prayer..33 x Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan.. More

  • Should She Divulge Her Husband’s Sins

    Salam. If a woman is planning to get married to a well known male in the community who is not known to wrong others, but when the woman married him, his true colors showed, is the woman allowed to publicly tell others about him? He secretly married other women before her and 1 of them was wronged by him. What are the Islamic conditions to solve this.. More

  • Collective Du’aa’ after each prayer

    Assalamu alaykum, in most of the masjids in our country the imam make congregational dua just after salah. In that case is it must to leave the masjid immediately? But sometimes it is difficult to leave from first rows while many people are sitting behind and some of them completing their missed portion. In that case if i remain sitted in my place and.. More

  • Committing Sins Openly Does Not Render a Person a Disbeliever

    Scholars, I had a question on sins:1. Does boasting of ones sins make them a kafir? I read that ibn uthaymeen said one who does so should be killed? Is this valid?2. I was wondering, does envy or having ill thoughs about a fellow muslim make one a kafir3. Lastly, what if someone loves a sin/commiting a sin, does that make them a kafir? I mean, they.. More

  • Phone Sex Is Not Real Zina

    1. If any person did phone sex with any women/girl and during the phone sex they both fantasize having sex together and sounding like having real sex together, they did themselves masturbate during phone sex also so after this sinful action can he marry with her mother or daughter ? 2. These days mobile phones have become very commmon and often boys.. More

  • Hardships Caused by His Brother Cause Him to Lie

    Scholars, I have an issue with lying. To my brother, I find myself lying to him over little things such as whether or not I have ironed my clothes or combed my hair. I do this as he has tendency to tease and berate me in an aggressive manner. Recently, i lied about finishing my quran reading for a day and I am feeling immense guilt over it and about.. More

  • Saying Ameen to a Recorded Du’aa’

    There are some recording of duas online. Is it ok to follow along the recording of duas and say ameen to it or would this be a bidah. .. More

  • Wudhoo’ is Not a Condition for Supplication

    Can we make dua without wudu and is there any particular posture to make dua, can we make dua while sleeping? .. More

  • No Vow in What You Said

    Basically I woke up and thought I need to go get a haircut , then a thought came to me that haircuts of the type I get are haram etc. Then I said to myself "In Sha Allah I will change soon man" loudly. I didnt intend this as a vow or promise to Allah swt just confirming to myself more than anything. later I was bit confused due to the whsipers of shaitaan.. More

  • Taking Permission From Her Father to Go Out

    A male Muslim married to a female Christian. His wife gave birth to a female. She gave her daughter to her husband's family (father, mother, sister, and uncle) to take care of her. Husband's father made it an obligation to everyone to take care of the child. His granddaughter was never raised by her father and mother. She was raised by her grandmother,.. More