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3578 fatwas

  • Lying to obtain US passport

    I am an Egyptian citizen who holds the American green card. After five years from acquiring the green card I can get an American passport in case I have spent at least 50% of that time in the States. In 10 days I'm going to the States to apply for American citizenship because 5 years have passed since I got the green card. However, I have not spent.. More

  • Wishes to have sex with wife but mother extended wait longer to prevent it

    Thank you for the answer to my question ID 5694. Inshallah, I will approach my parents with gentleness and explain according to Islam. However, there have been further developments in my situation. Earlier, my mother was telling me to wait just a couple of months, now she says I have no right to have it my way and she will wait till December this.. More

  • Keeping ties of kinship

    What's mean of keeping good ties of kinship in Islam? Is it to have relations with family members or to live always with family? Is to live in ones own house when we are single mean that we cut ties of kinship or not?.. More

  • Choosing a vocation for Allah's sake

    I just finished a university degree in economics (4 years) here in Canada. I have been thinking recently of going into the Islamic Univ. Medinah, S.A. Do you recommend this to me from an Islamic point of view? Is it worth it to spend another 4 years to get another degree in Sharia? .. More

  • Adult children leaving parents' home to live separately

    Is it permissible in Islam when children reach adulthood to leave their parents' home to live alone? Please cite Qur'an and Sunnah. .. More

  • Seeking Forgiveness While Committing Major Sin and Practicing Islam

    I have used your service before and I cannot thank you enough for your efforts. What I have to ask is difficult for me. I committed a major sin and what Allah hides we should not talk about. I acknowledge my mistakes and acknowledge my weakness to Allah and ask for His forgiveness for my continuing to sin and I always hide myself and hope that Allah.. More

  • Attaining steadfastness

    Could you show me the way how to obtain steadfastness (Istiqamah)?.. More

  • Praying that Allah will cause him misfortune and later regreting it

    I have asked for your help before and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your efforts. My situation is that many times I get urges or feelings to ask Allah to cause me something bad, such as failing in my work, or losing my health, or becoming hideous. I try to resist these feelings but sometimes I give in and ask Allah for something bad. I feel.. More

  • Praying to marry a classmate

    I am a student and want to marry one of my classmates. I have prayed to Allah to guide me and fill her heart with a feeling of love for Allah and His Prophet as well as the love of Sunnah. Also I prayed to Allah to make her extend a proposal. I have also prayed to Allah that once married we'll do right and try to make our children true Muslims. Insha.. More

  • Need to overcome pessimism

    I wish I could be guided as to my fear that I am very far from Allah. My belief in Him has been reducing due to some mistakes I have made. I have asked for the Almighty to forgive me, but I still feel that I don't deserve His forgiveness nor His blessings. I am very afraid cause I feel that I am alone. Sometimes I feel that He has forgiven me but still.. More

  • Response to "How are you?"

    If anybody ask me "How are you?" then how should I reply?.. More

  • Response to Salaam

    If any body sends me Salam or greeting, then how should I reply?.. More

  • Being stimulated by attractive people

    I find my question embarrassing, however a person should not be embarrassed when it comes to religion. Many times, I find myself sexually stimulated by attractive young men. When this happens, I deal with it as if I am dealing with attractive women and I try not to look at the person and turn my direction, looking away, and try to distract myself with.. More

  • Wants Fatwa to kill himself

    I am 17 years old and I am Muslim I want to know if I can kill myself? I suffered since I was little first by illness and then with my father who drinks too much and tortures me and my mother. Now I suffer because of the people I love. I don't want to live any longer; I hope for death. So can I kill myself in Islam? Please try to find me a Fatwa to.. More

  • Maintaining Family Ties

    What is the importance of maintaining family ties specially with a son, daughter or with parents? Kindly give answer with relevant Hadiths and Verses from Qur'an. .. More