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Can we give Sadaqa (charity) with the intention of having our prayer answered? Hope you will answer this question... More
Assalaamalaikum I would like your advice on a personal matter. Before I reverted to Islam I used to masturbate and even now I still occasionally get the urge. As I am not married I feel there is no other way to control it. I read in some hadiths that I should fast to remove desires but this is not enough to remove the desire. Please advise me.
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I am a Muslim man, not married yet, never committed adultery. I live in Canada and I am exposed to Fitna a lot. When I get a sexual urge, I don't masturbate but I use a pillow as a substitute to fulfil my desire. Is this behavior Haram?
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What are the rights/duties of man in terms of monetary help, etc., to be provided to father and mother, wife and brothers and sisters, if any, and in-laws?
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I am a married woman. I masturbated while my husband was away. Is that adultery?
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I have Muslim friends, yet I am unsure whether they are of true faith. I question this because I find they are happy and purposely lie about most things. Can you advise where I can learn about speaking the truth, and honesty is in accord with Islam, and defrauding and stealing from non-Muslims? I am 27 years old and have a sister 19 years of age, living.. More
I wonder if it is a sin for a Muslim to have sexual thoughts which makes one ejaculate. I have asked many brothers but never got a satisfactory answer with proof.
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I learnt from someone a saying: 'Lord's pleasure then mother's pleasure'. Is it true that if your mother isn't pleased, Allah will not be pleased with you and your good deeds will not be accepted until you please your mother?
Praying in congregation at the Masjid is Fard-ain and not praying in congregation at the Masjid is a sin except if you have.. More
I pray all the time, fast, and do what God Commands in His Book. My problem: my wife is slightly fat and she can't "turn me on" at all, but I love her. I am still too young to take any medications, so to solve my problem I watch sex movies. I just watch so I can be ready to have sex with my wife, nothing else. Is this approved in Islam?
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What do you do if you want your Du'a to be accepted?
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5 years ago my wife and I went to Yemen to work as doctors. Unfortunately, under some pressure from the owner of the medical clinic that we were working in we used to perform (ultra sound examination) for a lot of people. Most of them were unnecessary plus we did not know how to do a correct ultrasound examination. We used to have a share from any ultrasound.. More
Is one allowed to listen to someone's conversation secretly if you think they are talking about you?
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Is it the Sunnah to proclaim loudly the Takbeer and other supplications after the Tasleem in a congregation Salaah? Give evidence please... More
I am 21 years old and I found a young Muslimah who I want to marry. My mother objets because she wears the Hijab (not modern). My parents also say she is from poor family whose parents are divorced. In addition, my mother says my older sister is not married and I have to wait until she marries. What do you advise in this case? .. More
1) What should one do when there is a conflict between the heart and the mind? Should I listen to the heart or the mind?2) Should I marry on my own will or my parents? I love someone and like her very much for the past 6 years and I waited for her alone. Though she is permitted to be married by Islamic law, my parents won't allow me. If I don't get.. More
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