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3581 fatwas

  • Striking a Muslim who Strikes You

    If your Muslim brother argues with you, then strikes you, do you strike him back? .. More

  • Teenager wants to know if Allah has answered her dreams

    I am a good Muslim and I live in America with my family. I have a cousin in Yemen. He's 19 years old and I am 15 years old. I always dream about him most of the time; I dream that I married him and stuff like that. I love him so much and I said to Allah that if he will be my husband then let me dream about him so I did and then I wanted to call to my.. More

  • Dua' for a residence to rent

    I would like to know if there is a Dua' for wanting "something". The "something" is a place from me to rent where I can live. Could you also write it in Arabic, (so I can say the Dua') and also give a meaning of the Dua' in English... More

  • Wants to Practice Islam Again

    I am now 70 years old. Before living in Europe for the past 45 years, I fasted and prayed. My family is religious. When in Europe, I lived as they lived. Three years ago I returned home for the first time after 42 years. I went to the mosque and stopped living as I had in Europe. I used to fast, but now I am diabetic and I cannot pray as usual. How.. More

  • Wants to repent of fornication

    There is a lot of emotion put into this but I'll keep it short. I committed fornication. I am single, and I need to know what to do to repent, I really want to repent, but I'm afraid God will not accept it because I knew it was Haram and yet I did it several times. All of a sudden I woke up, and couldn't stop crying for what I had done. He forced me.. More

  • Dua' for non-Muslim parents

    My question concerns my non-Muslim parents. They are very kind to me and to my husband. They have helped us in many ways, and do not oppose my being Muslim. In fact, my mother has purchased some beautiful books for me about Islam. I pray that Allah guides them, as it is a source of great pain to me that they are not yet Muslim. I fear for them if they.. More

  • Wife Wants Another Child but Husband Wants Her to Study

    I would like to have another child, but my husband doesn't. he wants me to study something that I don't want to study. I am not interested in it and most people who study/work it are men. He want me to study for 4-5 years, and then to have another child. Please advice what should I do. .. More

  • Swearing an unintentional oath

    Once I said" Wallah" (By Allah) this house belongs to my friend and actually it was my uncle's house. I told so knowing that it is my uncle's house. But the word "Wallah" came out by mistake then I asked forgiveness of Allah. Now what should I do? Do I have to fast 3 days or not.?.. More

  • Husband talks on phone with women in language she does not understand

    I'm a 20 year-old Swedish revert to Islam and I married 6 months ago. My husband is from Somalia and takes care of a lot of things in the little ummah in our town. He has Qur'an classes, works in the mosque and such things. Often different woman call our house to speak to my husband. They are also from Somalia and some times they can speak for like.. More

  • Stammering

    I write today with hope to you to find an answer to a question whichworries me for a long time: I am reached stammering since my youthand this handicap causes me hardship (I only speak veryseldom by fear of the mocking remarks, the prospect to find work withthis illness discourages me). To this end, is there a remedy in Islamwhich will enable me.. More

  • Overwhelmed by Sexual Thoughts but Unable to Marry

    This is a difficult and very embarrassing question for me to ask, but I need help. Please pardon any crudeness. I am a young, single woman living in the United States, a recent convert, by the grace of Allah. Frequently I have extremely vivid sexual dreams about young men. When I wake up in the morning I feel terribly guilty, almost as if I have actually.. More

  • Supplicating during menses

    Is it true that I can do my du'a [Ziker Allah] during my menstural period? .. More

  • Repenting for past sins

    I'm a Muslim who went to Europe 15 years ago. Unfortunately, I strayed from the right path, and I did Fawahish like Zina, drink alcohol, gambling, and ate pork. I came back a year ago to my Muslim country. I want to do Tawbah, but I don't know how to do it. Do I tell an Imam about what I did so he could punish me, so I can avoid God's Punishment, or.. More

  • Convert from Shia wants to leave parents

    I used to be Shia I changed 3 years ago to Sunnah (Al-hamdulillah). I live with my parents. Should I leave them and move or should I continue living with them? Many scholars of Islam have said not to have anything to do with them. .. More

  • Shaking hands and placing it on their chest

    After hand shaking, somebody put their hand toward their chest and some people don't do this. Please kindly tell me which action is correct according to Qur'an and Sunnah?.. More